
此文檔由會員 流水浮萍 發(fā)布板球系統(tǒng)的模糊控制
Fuzzy Control Method for Ball and Plate System
Lei Wen-long
Abstract:A distributed Fuzzy control method is applied to the contro1 system of Ball & Plate.The fuzzy control model,fuzzy control rules,fuzzy inference and fuzzy adjudication are developed.Off-line calculation and fuzzy control inquiry table are carried out。and good
control effect is obtained;the ball can roll on the plate freely without flying out the plate.Simulation study Of PID.PD and fuzzy control using the tools of Matlab is made.Results show that the effect of fuzzy control is better than that of PID or PD.Under the control of fuzzy controller the control system of Ball&Plate is easier to reach stable.
Key words:fuzzy intelligent control;fuzzy inference;fuzzy adjudication;Ball&Plate control system
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