
畢業(yè)論文 年產(chǎn)160萬噸焦炭焦化廠粗苯回收工藝.doc


畢業(yè)論文 年產(chǎn)160萬噸焦炭焦化廠粗苯回收工藝,摘 要 苯族烴是寶貴的化工原料,隨著原油價格的不斷增長,粗苯的價格也在不斷增長,而焦炭價格穩(wěn)中有降,因此各焦化企業(yè)對焦爐煤氣中苯的回收更加重視,粗苯的銷售已成為一些企業(yè)的主要經(jīng)濟利潤來源。焦化廠的粗苯回收工藝主要包括洗苯和脫苯。洗苯塔是填料吸收塔,脫苯塔是板式精餾塔。板式塔為篩板塔,主要參數(shù)為,塔高20米,塔徑2米,篩...
分類: 論文>環(huán)境保護論文


此文檔由會員 ljjwl8321 發(fā)布

摘 要 苯族烴是寶貴的化工原料,隨著原油價格的不斷增長,粗苯的價格也在不斷增長,而焦炭價格穩(wěn)中有降,因此各焦化企業(yè)對焦爐煤氣中苯的回收更加重視,粗苯的銷售已成為一些企業(yè)的主要經(jīng)濟利潤來源。焦化廠的粗苯回收工藝主要包括洗苯和脫苯。洗苯塔是填料吸收塔,脫苯塔是板式精餾塔。板式塔為篩板塔,主要參數(shù)為,塔高20米,塔徑2米,篩孔數(shù)目12371,開孔率10.1%。輔助設備主要包括:冷凝器、預熱器,其中冷凝器采用全凝器。塔附件主要有:接管、群座、人孔。其中進料管采用直管進料管;回流管采用直流回流;裙座采用圓角形,由于裙座內徑約800mm,取裙座厚度16mm,考慮到使用再沸器,裙座高度取2m。根據(jù)所得數(shù)據(jù),繪制篩板式板式塔的CAD圖,溢流裝置畫出放大剖面圖,塔頂塔底和人孔部位局部放大。
關鍵詞 160萬噸 粗苯回收 板式塔 設備參數(shù) CAD圖

The Technology Process of Crude Benzene Recovery in 1.6 million tons coke plant every year
Song Jieran directed by Wang Aibing
Abstract Aromatic hydrocarbon is an important kind of chemical raw materials. The priece of oil and crude benzene is growing,but the price of coal is discreasing. So coking enterprise to pays more attention to the recovery of benzene, crude benzene sales has become the main economic profits in some enterprises. Coke's crude benzene recovery process mainly include benzene washing and removing The washing benzene tower is an absorption tower,and removing benzene tower is a plate column. While the plate column is a sieve-plate column.The main parameters for sieve-plate column is that the height of the tower is 20 metres , the width of the tower is 2 meters, the number of sieve hole is 12371,the opening rate of sieve-plate column is 10.1%. Subsidiary equipment mian includes: condenser,and preheater, while the condenser adopts whole coagulation device.The accessories of sieve-plate column mainly includes: take over, crowd subside, manholes.While the channel of anticipate is a straight conduit ,.the backward flow conduit is direct current backward flow ; the crowd subside is round shape, because of crowd subside diameter,is 800mm,taking the thickness of crowd subside is 16mm, consider using the again boiling installation the height of crowd subside is 2 metres .According to the data ,draw the CAD of sieve-plate column, drow the enlarge sectional picture of overflow installation, and paint the part enlarge sectional chart of. manholes
Keywords 160 tons,crude benzene recovery ,plate tower ,equipment parameter ,CAD

目 錄
摘 要 I
1總論 1
1.1粗苯回收概述 1
1.2粗苯的性質 1
1.3 設計任務、條件和要求 1
2綜述 2
2.1粗苯工藝流程簡述 2
2.2影響粗苯回收的因素 2
2.3前景展望 3
3粗苯生產(chǎn)工藝流程 3
3.1粗苯工藝的基本原理 3
3.2工藝流程 5
3.3 主要設備的工藝計算和選型 8
4計算說明書 9
4.1計算條件 9
4.2精餾塔的物料衡算 10
4.3塔板數(shù)的確定 11
4.4精餾塔的工藝條件及有關物性數(shù)據(jù)的的計算 14
4.5精餾塔的塔體工藝尺寸計算 16
4.6塔板主要工藝尺寸的計算 17
4.7篩板的流體力學驗算 19
4.8塔負荷性能圖 21
4.9篩板塔的計算結果 25
5結論 27
6塔體結構及附屬設備的設計 27
6.1冷凝器選擇: 27
6.2接管 28
6.3裙座 28
6.4人孔 28
7設計方案和廠區(qū)布置 29
7.1粗苯工藝的廠區(qū)布置圖 29
7.2操作崗位的確定及崗位定員 31
7.3防火防爆和采暖通風 32
7.4供氣和給排水 32
8三廢的處理及環(huán)境的保護 33
8.1環(huán)境保護概述 33
8.2煤化工生產(chǎn)中的主要污染物 33
8.3煤化工污水的處理 34
8.4煤化工煙塵和廢氣的處理 35
8.5焦化廢渣的處理方法 35
9設計體會和收獲 35
參考文獻 36
致 謝 37