基與jsp技術的bbs系統設計,摘 要論壇系統 bbs(bullitin board system)是互聯網上一種人與人之間交互的必備工具,特別是做網站必備,網上論壇提供一個信息交流的空間,人們可以通過論壇一起討論自己喜歡的話題,提出問題或者回答問題。用戶可以在論壇中發(fā)表對某個問題的看法闡述自己的觀點,跟別人討論對某個問題的看法,在internet的...

此文檔由會員 無可比擬 發(fā)布摘 要
論壇系統 BBS(Bullitin Board System)是互聯網上一種人與人之間交互的必備工具,特別是做網站必備,網上論壇提供一個信息交流的空間,人們可以通過論壇一起討論自己喜歡的話題,提出問題或者回答問題。用戶可以在論壇中發(fā)表對某個問題的看法闡述自己的觀點,跟別人討論對某個問題的看法,在Internet的發(fā)展中論壇的作用將是無法替代的。網絡化的今天,BBS對于一個企業(yè)來說也是必不可少的,通過BBS系統來和同事討論企業(yè)文化、企業(yè)管理、人文趣事等等各種和人們息息相關的話題。給企業(yè)愿意交流者提供一個互相交流的地方。
本系統的設計是基于JSP技術,并且采用了JAVA語言作為后臺的編程語言,MyEclipse 作為開發(fā)工具,以TOMCAT為服務器,實現了網絡平臺的構建,JSP 技術實現了動態(tài)網頁的制作,以確保系統的安全保密和易于維護。而后臺的數據庫則采用了SQL2000 管理整個系統的后臺數據。
關鍵詞:BBS系統,JSP,SQL Server 2000,JAVA
Forum system BBS (Bullitin Board System) is on the Internet between one kind of person and the human the interactive necessary tool, specially makes the website necessarily, on the net the forum provides a communication the space, the people may the topic which discusses together through the forum oneself likes, proposed the question or answers the question.The user may publish in the forum to some question view elaborated own viewpoint, with others discussion to some question view, the forum function will be is unable in the Internet development to substitute.Network today, BBS regarding an enterprise also is essential, comes and the colleague through the BBS system discusses the topic which the enterprise culture, the business management, the humanities amusing thing and so on each kind of and the people are closely linked.Wants the communicator to the enterprise to provide the place which exchanges mutually.
This system design is based on the JSP technology, and used the JAVA language to take the backstage the programming language, MyEclipse took the development kit, take TOMCAT as a server, realized the network platform construction, the JSP technology has realized the dynamic homepage manufacture, guaranteed the system the safe security and easy to maintain.But the backstage database used SQL2000 to manage the overall system the backstage data.
The important characteristic of this system is the contact surface is friendly and the operation is simple.This mainly has the user to publish the article, the reply article, the deletion article and the browsing article function and user's publication message, user's again debarkation with leaves the community the function as well as the user transmission email, the user revision information, the user chats, examines functions and so on JAVA edition which the browser supports.The detail aspect also considered the card the topic excessively is long when processing; For convenience user browsing card, but also has used about the frame; Reply card quantity is bigger than 10 times uses the minute page demonstration.
Key Words:BBS system ; JSP ;SQL Server 2000; JAVA
目 錄
摘 要 I
目 錄 I
第 1 章 引 言 1
1.1 課題的研究目的和意義 1
1.2 國內外發(fā)展狀況 1
1.3研究內容及目標 3
1.3.1主要任務 3
1.3.2課題達到的目標 3
第 2章 開發(fā)方法及關鍵技術簡介 5
2.1開發(fā)工具與運行環(huán)境 5
2.11開發(fā)工具 5
2.12運行環(huán)境 5
2.2主要技術介紹 6
2.2.1 JSP 6
2.22 SQL2000 7
第3章 系統總體設計 8
3.1 系統結構圖 8
3.2 系統功能 9
3.3 主框架設置 10
3.4數據庫設計 11
3.4.1 數據庫概念設計 11
3.4.2數據庫表設計 13
3.42 使用JDBC-ODBC橋接器連接SQL SERVER 2000 17
3.43 JSP通過JavaBean訪問數據庫 18
第4章 系統具體實現 20
4.1 系統功能分析 20
4.2 登陸界面與注冊界面的實現 20
4.3 主界面的實現 25
4.3.1 重新登陸 26
4.3.2 社區(qū)論壇 27
4.3.3 留言版 28
4.3.4 聊天室 32
4.3.5 電子郵件 34
4.3.6 修改信息 35
4.3.7 離開社區(qū) 36
4.3.8 網絡版: 39
4.4管理員模塊的實現 39
第5章 結論 40
參考文獻 41
致謝 43