
原文檔由會員 ccc971854870 發(fā)布智能漏電保護器的設計
With the rapid development of our economy, the electric consumption of our society has a rapid growth. Because of the defects of electrical equipment, the unsuitable use and the ineffective security measures, person may get an electric shock or a fire accident may happen in the process of consuming electricity. It will bring the undue losses of people’s life and property. The residual current operated protective device can provide reliable and effective techniques to prevent all kinds of accidents. It can cut off the power supply promptly and protect the equipment and personal security from harm.
Firstly, a brief introduction of the development of the residual current operated protective device is given, including the problems in the technology of the residual current protection that we are in face with. The technology of single-chip microcontroller will be used in residual current operated protective device for the design, in order to improve its intelligence. It can meet the diverse needs of users. The residual current operated protective device which is introduced in this paper can detect the real-time residual current value, ideal time delay and the automatic reclosing function. So all kinds of complicated rural grid and climatic condition can be adapted by the residual current operated protective device, and the safety and the reliability of the power supply can be ensured.
Using SCM(Single Chip Microcomputer),PIC16F877 as digital control system, study and analysis in SCM system, and interface unit. Realize the deeteting, Real-time disehgaring and displaying by applying single-chip microcontroller tehnology. And in final,intelligent residual current operated device with high reliability is completed.
Key words: residual current operated device; intelligent; single-chip microcontroller
0 引言 1
1 漏電保護器發(fā)展現狀和設計任務 2
1.1 國外剩余電流保護技術的發(fā)展及動向 2
1.2 國內剩余電流保護技術的發(fā)展及現狀 4
1.3 本設計的主要設計內容 5
2 漏電保護器介紹 6
2.1 漏電保護器的工作原理 6
2.2 漏電保護器的分類 7
2.2.1 根據動作方式分類 7
2.2.2 根據漏電保護器的功能分類 8
2.2.3 根據漏電保護器的使用場合分類 8
2.2.4 根據漏電保護器動作是否具有延時時間分類 8
2.3 漏電保護器的國家標準 9
2.4 電流對人體的作用 11
2.5 漏電保護器的電氣指標 14
2.6 漏電緩變電流值的處理 15
2.7 漏電突變電流值的處理 16
3 總體設計方案 18
3.1 智能漏電保護器的設計要求 18
3.2 總體設計框圖 18
4 硬件電路設計 20
4.1 零序電流互感器的選擇 20
4.2 低通濾波器設計 20
4.3 相位同步電路的設計 21
4.4 單片機接口電路設計 22
4.4.1 PIC單片機介紹 22
4.4.2 PIC16F877單片機I/O腳分配 24
4.4.3 單片機接口按鍵設計 27
4.4.4 單片機復位電路設計 27
4.4.5 單片機振蕩電路設計 28
4.5 液晶顯示部分硬件設計 29
4.6 控制執(zhí)行部分硬件設計 31
4.7 電源部分設計 32
5 軟件部分的設計 33
5.1 軟件設計總體思想 33
5.2 主程序的設計 34
5.3 上電后的初始化模塊 36
5.4 中斷服務模塊 37
5.4.1 INT上升沿中斷 37
5.4.2 TMR2定時器中斷 39
5.5 漏電信號分析模塊 40
5.5.1 緩變電流計算模塊 40
5.5.2 漏電突變電流計算模塊 42
5.6 漏電動作記憶和顯示模塊 45
6 技術經濟分析 46
7 結論 47
致謝 48
參考文獻 49
附錄A 譯文 50
附錄B 外文原文 56