原文檔由會(huì)員 渭水亭榭 發(fā)布
1??ü′ê£oê?1¤×é?ˉéè?? ?êá? ???? °2è? ?ü??′°
Construction organization design is the important means for scientific management of the co nstruction?ˉs activity. It has both strategic disposition and tactical arrangement double functions. It reflects the requirements making the basic constructions plan and design come true, and provides preparation working contents in different period?ˉs construction. Coordinates with each construction organization, every kind of work in construction, and different resources reciprocally during the construction.
The graduation design topic is the Sanjiang County building engineering construction organization design£?Points for construction organization design and construction scheme of the two part special. Prepare to the project management institutions set when the overall arrangement, construction, construction preparation, main divisions component project construction method, engineering quality assurance measures, safety and civilized construction measures, the construction management measures, and many other factors to consider as fully as possible, outstanding scientific, applicability and targeted, is to make sure the high quality, low cost, safety, civilization, the completion of all the important task of economic construction technical documents.
This design includes the following content: engineering construction design, Chinese and English translation, and construction, the floor plan. To ensure the quality and safety, construction period, the civilization worksite construction, save costs and conditions, formulate specific the construction organization design, At the same time, according to the features of the project, in addition to compile a plastic-steel window special construction plan, In order to guide the construction successfully complete the project construction, project cost control, create quality engineering.
Key words: Construction organization design Quality Control Safety Plastic steel window
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11.3?êá?1üàí????3ìDòí? 73
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μú?t2?·? ?ü??′°°2×°ê?1¤×¨??·?°? 92
1 1¤3ì???? 92
2 í???éè??òa?ó 92
3 ê?1¤×?±? 92
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3.2 ê?1¤×÷òμì??t 93
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4 ?ü??′°?êá?±ê×? 95
4.1 ?ì2a±ê×? 95
4.3 ??′°°2×°μ??êá?òa?ó?£ 96
5 3é?·±£?¤ 97
6 ?êá??êìa??àí′?ê? 98
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Construction organization design is the important means for scientific management of the co nstruction?ˉs activity. It has both strategic disposition and tactical arrangement double functions. It reflects the requirements making the basic constructions plan and design come true, and provides preparation working contents in different period?ˉs construction. Coordinates with each construction organization, every kind of work in construction, and different resources reciprocally during the construction.
The graduation design topic is the Sanjiang County building engineering construction organization design£?Points for construction organization design and construction scheme of the two part special. Prepare to the project management institutions set when the overall arrangement, construction, construction preparation, main divisions component project construction method, engineering quality assurance measures, safety and civilized construction measures, the construction management measures, and many other factors to consider as fully as possible, outstanding scientific, applicability and targeted, is to make sure the high quality, low cost, safety, civilization, the completion of all the important task of economic construction technical documents.
This design includes the following content: engineering construction design, Chinese and English translation, and construction, the floor plan. To ensure the quality and safety, construction period, the civilization worksite construction, save costs and conditions, formulate specific the construction organization design, At the same time, according to the features of the project, in addition to compile a plastic-steel window special construction plan, In order to guide the construction successfully complete the project construction, project cost control, create quality engineering.
Key words: Construction organization design Quality Control Safety Plastic steel window
μúò?2?·? ê?1¤×é?ˉμ?±à?? 1
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7 ê?1¤×ü????2??? 21
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7.4áùê±1???2??? 24
7.5 ê?1¤×ü????1üàí 24
7.6ê?1¤×ü????2???í? 25
8 ?÷òa????ê?1¤·?°? 26
8.12aá?1¤3ì 26
8.2?ù?ó1¤3ì 31
8.3μ??ù?°?ù′??á111¤3ì 33
8.4é?2??á111¤3ì 35
8.5??ì?1¤3ì 45
8.6??ê??ü1¤3ì 47
8.7?Y??1¤3ì 49
8.8?¥μ???1¤3ì 53
8.9??×°ê?1¤3ì 54
8.10??′°1¤3ì 59
8.11??????1¤3ì 60
9 °2è?éú2úμ???ê?×é?ˉ′?ê? 63
9.1°2è????÷??±ê 63
9.2????°2è?1üàí×é?ˉ?ú11 63
9.3 °2è?·à?¤′?ê? 63
9.4°2è?±£?¤×é?ˉ′?ê? 64
9.5??·à±£?à′?ê? 65
10 ±£?¤1¤?úμ?′?ê? 67
10.1???è????1üàí′?ê? 67
10.2ê?1¤???èμ??ì2éó??à?? 67
10.3???èD-μ÷1üàí 68
10.4±£?¤1¤?úμ?×é?ˉ′?ê? 69
10.5±£?¤1¤?úμ???ê?′?ê? 70
11 1¤3ì?êá?±£?¤′?ê? 72
11.11¤3ì?êá???±ê 72
11.2?êá???±ê·??a 72
11.3?êá?1üàí????3ìDòí? 73
11.4?êá?1üàí1??????è 74
11.5±£?¤?êá?μ?×é?ˉ′?ê? 75
11.6??μ?1¤Dò?êá?±£?¤′?ê? 75
11.7?êá?í¨2?·à??′?ê? 78
12 ???÷ê?1¤?°±£?¤′?ê? 81
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12.4???÷ê?1¤1üàí′?ê? 82
13 ???úD?ê?1¤±£?¤′?ê? 84
13.1óê??ê?1¤·?°? 84
13.2????ê?1¤·?°? 85
13.3????ê?1¤·?°? 86
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14.1?·±£′?ê? 90
14.2×êá???àí???? 90
14.33é?·?¢°?3é?·±£?¤′?ê? 90
μú?t2?·? ?ü??′°°2×°ê?1¤×¨??·?°? 92
1 1¤3ì???? 92
2 í???éè??òa?ó 92
3 ê?1¤×?±? 92
3.1 ê?1¤2?á?×?±? 92
3.2 ê?1¤×÷òμì??t 93
3.3 ê?1¤1¤ò? 93
4 ?ü??′°?êá?±ê×? 95
4.1 ?ì2a±ê×? 95
4.3 ??′°°2×°μ??êá?òa?ó?£ 96
5 3é?·±£?¤ 97
6 ?êá??êìa??àí′?ê? 98
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