


供電工程課程設計,某工藝編織廠供配電系統(tǒng)電氣部分設計 摘要   本廠是10kv變電站的主接線設計及變壓器的選擇,變電所電氣主接線設計是依據變電所的最高電壓等級和變電所的性質,選擇出一種與變電所在系統(tǒng)中的地位和作用相適應的接線方式。在經濟角度上要考慮周全,盡量以最少的投資獲得最佳的方案。按照要求選擇合適的變壓器。短路電流計算,對變電站系統(tǒng)...
分類: 論文>電氣自動化/電力論文


此文檔由會員 張凱倫 發(fā)布














  The design of the content is 10 KV electric substations. Design elements include: the main substation transformer wiring design and the choice of electrical substation main wiring design is based on the maximum voltage substation substation and the nature, to choose a substation in the system and the status and Suited to the role of the connection mode. In an economic point of view on the need to consider well, at least as far as possible to get the best investment programme. Choose the right in accordance with the requirements of the transformer. Short-circuit current basis, the system of substations in various voltage levels under the three-phase short circuit occurred when the bus, the flow of a short circuit were calculated. Fixed electrical equipment, thermal stability check, the choice of electrical equipment, including two major conditions: First, electrical equipment needed to meet the basic conditions, that is, the normal working conditions of choice, and short-circuit state check dynamic, thermal stability and the other is According to the characteristics of different electrical equipment by thon and validation pre selectiojects.
  Through this course designed substation with the load in the power supply system, the master substation secondary circuit of the basic principles at the basis of the power supply system of the substation to the secondary wiring design and protection, the last under the specific environmental conditions on the electrical equipment to check, so that the content of this design more perfect.

Key words: Substation; Short circuit; Thermal stability; Reactive Compensation ;Secondary circuit.









1前言 1
2負荷計算 2
2.1 三相用電設備組負荷計算的方法 2
2.2 計算負荷及無功功率補償 2
3.1 并聯(lián)電容器選擇計算 4
3.2 高低壓電容器柜的選擇 4
3.3功率補償計算 5
4變壓器的臺數(shù)、容量和類型的選擇 7
4.1車間變壓器選擇原則 7
4.2選擇車間變壓器的臺數(shù)、容量和類型 7
5電氣主接線 8
5.1電氣主接線的意義及重要性 8
5.2電氣主接線的設計 9
5.3主接線方案的選擇 10
6短路電流的計算 11
        6.1產生短路電流的原因、危害及計算方法 11
        6.2 短路電流點的計算 12
7高、低壓電氣一次設備的選擇 17
7.1電氣設備的選擇對工廠企業(yè)的意義 17
       7.2電氣設備的選擇 17
       7.3電氣設備的校驗 17
   7.3.1對于高壓設備器件的校驗 18
   7.3.2低壓側電氣設備的選擇校驗 20
8供配電線路的選擇 21
8.1 變配電所進出線的選擇 21
   8.1.1變配電所進出線的選擇范圍 21
   8.1.2變配電所進出線方式的選擇 21
8.2配電線路的接線方式選擇 21
      8.2.1高壓配電線路接線方式選擇 21
      8.2.2低壓配電線路接線方式選擇 22
   8.3 電線電纜選擇與校驗 23
9電力變壓器的繼電保護 25
9.1電力變壓器的常見故障 25
9.2電力變壓器的保護 25
9.2.1過電流保護 25
9.2.2電流速斷保護 25
9.3 工廠變壓器繼電保護的計算 26
9.3.1反時限過電流保護 26
9.3.2電流速斷保護 26
10.小結 28
參考文獻 28