
畢業(yè)設計 汽車變速器換檔自鎖裝置的設計與分析研究.zip


畢業(yè)設計 汽車變速器換檔自鎖裝置的設計與分析研究,共17頁,字數(shù)總計:10799目錄摘要3英文摘要4前言61、汽車變速器概述72、變速器操縱機構73、多軌式變速器操縱機構83.1、結構特點 83.2、鎖止裝置 94、單軌式變速器操縱機構114.1、結構特點 124.2、鎖止裝置 125、操縱機構對撥叉的要求136、兩種變速器操縱機構的對比147、優(yōu)化設想15結束語16...
分類: 論文>機械工業(yè)論文



原文檔由會員 優(yōu)秀排骨 發(fā)布


目 錄

摘要 ………………………………………………………………3
英文摘要 …………………………………………………………4
前言 ………………………………………………………………6
1、 汽車變速器概述…………………………………………7
2、 變速器操縱機構…………………………………………7
3、 多軌式變速器操縱機構…………………………………8
3.1、結構特點 ……………………………………………8
3.2、鎖止裝置 ……………………………………………9
4、 單軌式變速器操縱機構…………………………………11
4.1、結構特點 ……………………………………………12
4.2、鎖止裝置 ……………………………………………12
5、 操縱機構對撥叉的要求…………………………………13
6、 兩種變速器操縱機構的對比……………………………14
7、 優(yōu)化設想…………………………………………………15


指導教師 :
摘要 :本課題的研究,主要是分析單軌式和多軌式變速器操縱機構,對比兩種不同結構的操縱機構分析其各自的結構特點,鎖止裝置的不同,適用場合也不徑相同,最后通過對比分析提出自己的優(yōu)化設想。

關鍵詞:變速器 操縱機構 鎖止裝置 自鎖 互鎖

Analysis, study and design on shifting self-locked device of transmission in automobile
Education on car maintenance engineering2002 sunbin Director : jinfu ding
(College of Applied Higher Technology, Zhejiang Normal University )
Abstract : The research of this topic, mainly is to analyze the single-selector rod type and multiple-selector rod type shifting device in transmission. contrast two kinds of dissimilarities structure and characteristics of each equipment. Analyze the difference of two kings of locking device. And they have different applied situation. Finally, we can put forward our improvements.
When analyze the characteristic of the selector mechanism of single-selector rod and multiple-selector rod transmission. Firstly, we can contrast two kinds of different transmission, analyze their merit and applied situation. And secondary analyze the structure of two different selector mechanism. The multiple-selector rod selector mechanism has multiple selector rods, but the single-selector rod type has only one. So there are much difference on structure.Each selector rod of multiple-selector rod transmission mounted a selector fork, but on the single-selector rod transmission, there has only one selector rod for many selector forks. Comparing with the multiple-selector rod transmission, the single-selector rod transmission decreasing the sum of selector rods, changing the structure of transmission and make it closely. The single-selector rod transmission changing the arrangement of the selector rod tremendously, so it can also affect the structure of selector fork.
Because of the rough road condition or the heavy load affecting, it easily drop out from the normal driving situation for the selector mechanism in transmission. Above all, it is the most important to assure transmission run accurately, safely and dependable under all circumstances on the design of transmission. So we have to put forward some request for the selector mechanism. We must assure that the selector mechanism doesn’t shift by no shift power (holding the gear in position).and prevent two gears being obtained at the same time, and the reverse gear being obtained at driving forward. So we require the selector mechanism with dependable lock equipment.
Both of the selector mechanism in multiple-selector rod transmission and single-selector rod transmission, they are all having self-locked, interlock and reverse-locked device. Because of tw..