
原文檔由會員 優(yōu)秀排骨 發(fā)布
?a òa
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Electrical box cover on the back of the injection mould with hot nozzle structure from the product at the center of the feed is improved the liquidity of PC material .These saved the sprue coagulation material meanwhile shortened the plastic parts molding cycle. Die structure using first reset institutions working mechanism set on one side of fixed mold ejection mechanism after ejection molding plastic parts meet the requirement of the appearance of the product quality, verified by product in mass production mold structure satisfies the requirement of molding process produce reliable high efficiency stripping, which produced product quality is good. With the rapid development of society and human life level enhancement. The rising demand for electronic products not only have significantly effect, shall also have the beautiful appearance. Design and manufacturer should be people-oriented, to create human life and the aesthetic standard product. Electronics materials mainly come from plastic, it is because they are decided by a series of special advantages of itself, plastic small density, light quality, so most of the electronics components are made in injection mold for molding.
Due to the electronic products application prospect is considerable, updated quickly, also requires should also keep up with The Times the pace of development of injection moulds.
Key words: The box cover of electric appliance; injection mould; first reset; Set mold ejection mechanism
òy?? 6
1?ü?tμ?3éD?1¤ò?D?·???ó?1¤ò?·?°?μ?è·?¨ 10
1.1?ü?tμ?1¤ò?D?·??? 10
1.2 PC?üá?·??? 10
1.3 3éDí1¤ò?·?°?·??? 13
1.4 PCμ??÷òa3éDíè±?Y?°??3y′?ê? 13
1.4.1 2Dóàó|á|òy?eμ?1êá? 13
1.4.2 ?ì?ú±?D? 13
1.4.3 ???Y 14
1.4.4 ò?±? 14
1.4.5 °×?ˉ 15
2 ?£???á11éè?? 15
2.1 ?÷???£???á11éè??·?°?éè?? 15
2.2è·?¨?£???á11?°1¤ò?·?°? 16
2.3 ?á11·??? 16
2.4×¢é?1¤×÷1¤3ì 18
3.?£??μ??ù±??á11 18
3.1 ?£??μ?3éD?·?·¨ 18
3.2 Dí??μ?2??? 18
3.3 è·?¨·?Dí?? 19
3.4 è·?¨í?3?·?ê? 19
4.×¢é??úμ????? 20
4.1 PC?üá?μ?×¢é?3éDí1¤ò?2?êy 20
4.2?£???á11×°??í? 21
4.2.1 1¤×÷1y3ì?òê? 22
4.3 ×¢?ü?úDío?μ?è·?¨ 22
4.3.1óD1??ü?tμ????? 22
4.4×¢é??ú?°2?êyá?μ?D£o? 23
4.4.1 Dí??êyá?μ?D£o? 23
4.4.2 ×?′ó×¢é?á?μ?D£o? 24
4.4.3 ?ü?t?ú·?Dí??é?μ?í?ó°???yó????£á|D£o? 24
4.4.4 ×?′ó×¢é??1á|D£o? 25
4.4.5 ?£??ó?×¢é??ú°2×°2?·Yμ?D£o? 25
4.4.6 ?a?£DD3ìD£o? 26
5 ??×¢?μí3μ?D?ê?oí???úμ?éè?? 26
5.1 èèá÷μàμ?éè?? 27
5.2 ???úμ?éè?? 29
5.4 ??×¢?μí3????3?′????? 31
5.5 ?????μí3μ?éè?? 32
6 3éDíá?2??téè?? 33
6.1 3éDíá?2??tμ??á11éè?? 33
6.1.1 °??£μ??á11éè?? 34
6.1.2 DíD?μ??ú11éè?? 35
6.2 3éDíá?2??t??2?μ???ó? 35
6.3 ???ü?£??á??t2?á?μ????? 35
6.4 3éDíá?2??t1¤×÷3?′?μ????? 36
6.4.1 °??£3?′?μ????? 37
6.4.2 í1?£3?′?μ????? 38
6.5 3éDíá?2??tμ????èoí???è???? 39
7 o??£μ??ò?ú11μ?éè?? 40
7.1 ?ú11μ?1|ó? 40
7.2 μ??ò?á11μ?×üì?éè?? 41
7.3 μ??ùμ?éè?? 41
7.4 μ?ì×μ?éè?? 42
8 í??£í?3??ú11μ?éè?? 42
9 ???èμ÷?ú?μí3 43
9.1 à?è′1üμàμ?éè???-?ò 43
9.2 à?è′???·μ?D?ê? 44
10 ?£??μ?°2×°?°ê??£ó?μ÷?? 45
10.1 ?£??μ?°2×° 45
10.2 ?£??μ?ê??£ó?μ÷?? 46
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μ??÷oD????×¢é??£2éó?èè×ì?á11′ó2ú?·±3??μ??DD???á??è??é?á?PC á?μ?á÷?ˉD?£?ó??ú??á?3éDíoóμ???μà?yá??1???ìá??ü?tμ?3éDí?ü?ú?£?£???á11à?ó??è?′???ú11μ?1¤×÷?úàíêμ???ú?¨?£ò?2àéè???¥3??ú11?¥3?×¢?@@éDíoóμ??ü?t?ú×?á?2ú?·μ?ía1??êá?òa?ó£??-2ú?·′ó?úá?μ?éú2ú?é?¤?£???á11?ú×?3éDí1¤ò?òa?óéú2úD§?ê??í??£?ˉ×÷?é??£?2ú?·?êá?o??£
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1??ü′ê£oμ??÷oD????£? ×¢é??££? ?è?′???ú11£? èè×ì£? ?¨?£?¥3??ú11
Electrical box cover on the back of the injection mould with hot nozzle structure from the product at the center of the feed is improved the liquidity of PC material .These saved the sprue coagulation material meanwhile shortened the plastic parts molding cycle. Die structure using first reset institutions working mechanism set on one side of fixed mold ejection mechanism after ejection molding plastic parts meet the requirement of the appearance of the product quality, verified by product in mass production mold structure satisfies the requirement of molding process produce reliable high efficiency stripping, which produced product quality is good. With the rapid development of society and human life level enhancement. The rising demand for electronic products not only have significantly effect, shall also have the beautiful appearance. Design and manufacturer should be people-oriented, to create human life and the aesthetic standard product. Electronics materials mainly come from plastic, it is because they are decided by a series of special advantages of itself, plastic small density, light quality, so most of the electronics components are made in injection mold for molding.
Due to the electronic products application prospect is considerable, updated quickly, also requires should also keep up with The Times the pace of development of injection moulds.
Key words: The box cover of electric appliance; injection mould; first reset; Set mold ejection mechanism
òy?? 6
1?ü?tμ?3éD?1¤ò?D?·???ó?1¤ò?·?°?μ?è·?¨ 10
1.1?ü?tμ?1¤ò?D?·??? 10
1.2 PC?üá?·??? 10
1.3 3éDí1¤ò?·?°?·??? 13
1.4 PCμ??÷òa3éDíè±?Y?°??3y′?ê? 13
1.4.1 2Dóàó|á|òy?eμ?1êá? 13
1.4.2 ?ì?ú±?D? 13
1.4.3 ???Y 14
1.4.4 ò?±? 14
1.4.5 °×?ˉ 15
2 ?£???á11éè?? 15
2.1 ?÷???£???á11éè??·?°?éè?? 15
2.2è·?¨?£???á11?°1¤ò?·?°? 16
2.3 ?á11·??? 16
2.4×¢é?1¤×÷1¤3ì 18
3.?£??μ??ù±??á11 18
3.1 ?£??μ?3éD?·?·¨ 18
3.2 Dí??μ?2??? 18
3.3 è·?¨·?Dí?? 19
3.4 è·?¨í?3?·?ê? 19
4.×¢é??úμ????? 20
4.1 PC?üá?μ?×¢é?3éDí1¤ò?2?êy 20
4.2?£???á11×°??í? 21
4.2.1 1¤×÷1y3ì?òê? 22
4.3 ×¢?ü?úDío?μ?è·?¨ 22
4.3.1óD1??ü?tμ????? 22
4.4×¢é??ú?°2?êyá?μ?D£o? 23
4.4.1 Dí??êyá?μ?D£o? 23
4.4.2 ×?′ó×¢é?á?μ?D£o? 24
4.4.3 ?ü?t?ú·?Dí??é?μ?í?ó°???yó????£á|D£o? 24
4.4.4 ×?′ó×¢é??1á|D£o? 25
4.4.5 ?£??ó?×¢é??ú°2×°2?·Yμ?D£o? 25
4.4.6 ?a?£DD3ìD£o? 26
5 ??×¢?μí3μ?D?ê?oí???úμ?éè?? 26
5.1 èèá÷μàμ?éè?? 27
5.2 ???úμ?éè?? 29
5.4 ??×¢?μí3????3?′????? 31
5.5 ?????μí3μ?éè?? 32
6 3éDíá?2??téè?? 33
6.1 3éDíá?2??tμ??á11éè?? 33
6.1.1 °??£μ??á11éè?? 34
6.1.2 DíD?μ??ú11éè?? 35
6.2 3éDíá?2??t??2?μ???ó? 35
6.3 ???ü?£??á??t2?á?μ????? 35
6.4 3éDíá?2??t1¤×÷3?′?μ????? 36
6.4.1 °??£3?′?μ????? 37
6.4.2 í1?£3?′?μ????? 38
6.5 3éDíá?2??tμ????èoí???è???? 39
7 o??£μ??ò?ú11μ?éè?? 40
7.1 ?ú11μ?1|ó? 40
7.2 μ??ò?á11μ?×üì?éè?? 41
7.3 μ??ùμ?éè?? 41
7.4 μ?ì×μ?éè?? 42
8 í??£í?3??ú11μ?éè?? 42
9 ???èμ÷?ú?μí3 43
9.1 à?è′1üμàμ?éè???-?ò 43
9.2 à?è′???·μ?D?ê? 44
10 ?£??μ?°2×°?°ê??£ó?μ÷?? 45
10.1 ?£??μ?°2×° 45
10.2 ?£??μ?ê??£ó?μ÷?? 46
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