
此文檔由會員 道客巴巴 發(fā)布基于單片機的便攜電子秤系統(tǒng)硬件部分
關鍵詞 : AT89C51;稱重傳感器;A/D轉換器;LCD顯示器
Abstract: With the application of micro-electronics technology, tradition ponderation instrument used in market has been not satisfaction with hunman requirements already. In order to make up for the traditional apparatus shortcoming, we improve the apparatus's control system with intelligence and automation. This system is mainly controlled by microcontroller, the section of height measurement accomplish by supersonic sensor, the section of weight measurement accomplish by weight sensor and A/D transformer, this apparatus have many characteristic such as having more function, consume less energy, small and move easily, low price, measure precisely, the speed is quick, automatic work without people and so on. The system is mainly controlled by the microcontroller AT89C51 the periphery is consist of the circuit of clock and calendar, the circuit of measure height and weight, the circuit of display and print, all of these comprise the circuit board of the intelligent apparatus of height and weight. It can achieve all function of the apparatus.
Key words: AT89C51,ponderation –sensor,A / D converter,LCD display;
目 錄
1 緒 論 1
1.1引言 1
1.2 選題背景和意義 1
1.3 國內(nèi)外電子稱發(fā)展及成果 2
2系統(tǒng)方案設計 4
2.1 系統(tǒng)總體設計方案比較與論證 4
2.2 硬件的方案設計與論證 6
2.2.1 傳感器 6
2.2.2 前級放大器部分 9
2.2.3 信號轉換 10
2.2.4 控制單片機的選型 12
2.2.5 顯示模塊 13
2.2.6 鍵盤輸入 15
2.2.7 電源模塊 16
2.3 具體實施方案簡介 17
3系統(tǒng)硬件設計 18
3.1 AT89C51的主控電路 18
3.1.1 AT89C51簡介 18
3.1.2 引腳說明 18
3.1.3 電路具體設計 20
3.2 信號放大電路 21
3.2.1 芯片INA126簡介 21
3.2.2 INA126特點及引腳說明 21
3.2.3 具體電路設計 22
3.3 信號轉換電路 22
3.3.1芯片LM331應用 22
3.3.2 LM331功能介紹 22
3.3.3 具體電路設計 23
4系統(tǒng)軟件設計 25
4.1 C語言在單片機中的應用 25
4.2 電子稱的軟件設計與實現(xiàn) 25
4.3主程序流程圖 26
4.4 子程序設計 27
4.4.1 V/F轉換啟動及數(shù)據(jù)讀取程序設計 27
4.4.2顯示子程序設計 28
4.4.3鍵盤掃描子程序的設計 29
結束語 30
謝 辭 31
文 獻 32