此文檔由會員 周伯通 發(fā)布支持Web服務合成系統(tǒng)可靠性的工作流恢復機制的研究
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摘 要
關鍵詞 Web服務合成 工作流 恢復 故障檢測 錯誤處理
Research of Workflow Recovery Mechanism Supporting Reliability of Web Service Composition System
Web service, as a new distributed computing technology, has been accepted currently because of its features such as platform independence, server neutrality and self-description. Now many enterprises provide consumers with business ability in manner of Web service. With more and more Web services’ coming forth, a new commerce opportunity, composition of Web services, appears. We can distribute a more powerful Web service, which is composed of existing Web services, to provide added value.
When compositing, we must take into account system reliability. Open and distributed Internet environment makes systems based on it difficult to control; Reliability of network transmission is restricted because of its underlying hardware; The feature of heterogeneity, autonomy and status independence also greatly increases difficulty. Furthermore, the way of composition is also an important factor that will infect system reliability.
Workflow technology has become the most important way of compositing Web services. Workflow, as a hotspot in both academe and business field, is a model that describes handling process inside an enterprise or organization. Before our work on composition system, we have got deeply research in the field of workflow and developed a wholly distributed WFMS ScopeWork, which have put forward a full resolution, including error handling.
Since we use workflow technology to composite Web services, when we try to ensure the reliability of composition system, we can use theory of workflow recovery for reference. The system this thesis advanced is just based on the research of WFMS ScopeWork. To ensure its reliability, we design and implement a recovery system, including detecting module, monitoring module and recovery module, which accomplish the function of failure detecting, process monitoring and recovery handling respectively. To satisfy the reliability requirement, we extend theory of workflow recovery in many aspects, including renewedly classifying runtime exceptions, extending task structure, advancing a three-level failure detecting module oriented different levels of the composition system, using different recovery strategies to handle different types of flows. In summary, we enhance ability of error handling greatly in composition system of Web services.
Key words Web service composition, workflow, recovery, failure detection, error handling目錄
聲 明 I
摘 要 II
目錄 VI
第一章 引言 1
1.1 問題的提出 1
1.2 當前的研究現(xiàn)狀 4
1.3 本文的組織結構 5
第二章 關鍵技術 7
2.1 Web服務 7
2.1.1 Web服務的定義 7
2.1.2 Web服務的體系結構 8
2.1.3 Web服務的特點 9
2.1.4 Web服務的標準 11
2.2 Web服務合成 13
2.2.1什么是Web服務合成 13
2.2.2 Web服務合成的主要問題 13
2.2.3 Web服務合成的方法 15
2.3 工作流技術 15
2.3.1 工作流的提出 15
2.3.2 工作流管理系統(tǒng) 16
2.3.3 工作流的基本概念 17
2.3.4 工作流管理系統(tǒng)的體系結構 18
2.4 工作流恢復技術 20
2.4.1 工作流恢復的研究現(xiàn)狀 20
2.4.2 先進事務模型(ATM) 21
2.4.3 工作流中的異常及其分類 24
2.4.4 工作流的恢復策略 24
2.4.5 工作流的恢復手段 25
第三章 恢復系統(tǒng)的總體結構 27
3.1 開發(fā)環(huán)境 27
3.2 恢復系統(tǒng)結構框架 29
第四章 日志記錄及流程監(jiān)控 33
4.1 任務結構的擴展 33
4.2 日志倉儲結構 35
4.3 日志的記錄 35
4.4 流程監(jiān)控器的設計 37
第五章 故障檢測機制 39
5.1 “錯誤”建模 39
5.2 三層檢測模型 41
第六章 恢復策略 44
6.1 Web服務合成流程的種類 44
6.2兩種恢復策略 45
總結與展望 48
參考文獻 49
攻研期間論文發(fā)表情況 51
攻研期間科研情況 52
致 謝 53
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