


基于圖像處理的棉花生長監(jiān)測系統(tǒng),2.2萬字我自己原創(chuàng)的畢業(yè)論文,僅在本站獨家提交,大家放心使用摘要 隨著計算機技術的迅猛發(fā)展,數字圖像技術在農作物科學上得到了廣泛的應用。在農作物群體特征的提取上,已有很多利用數字圖像技術對空間分布相對均勻的農作物的群體圖像進行研究,而對于在空間上分布不均勻的棉花群體圖像特征研究較少。本研...
分類: 論文>電氣自動化/電力論文


此文檔由會員 淘寶大夢 發(fā)布



摘要 隨著計算機技術的迅猛發(fā)展,數字圖像技術在農作物科學上得到了廣泛的應用。在農作物群體特征的提取上,已有很多利用數字圖像技術對空間分布相對均勻的農作物的群體圖像進行研究,而對于在空間上分布不均勻的棉花群體圖像特征研究較少。本研究意圖將計算機圖像處理及識別技術運用于田間拍攝棉花群體圖像的分析研究,并以機器自動提取群體特征參數代替?zhèn)鹘y(tǒng)手工提取群體特征參數。

關鍵詞:機器視覺 EFM32 圖像處理 棉花長勢 低功耗

Cotton Growth Monitoring System Based on Image Processing
Abstract With the rapid development of computer technology, digital image technology has been widely used in crop science.On the extraction of crop community characteristic, it has a lot of use of digital image technology in relatively uniform spatial distribution of crops, while for the uneven distribution of cotton on the space group image characteristics research rarely reported.Intention of this study is to apply computer image processing and recognition technology to analysis and research of the image taken cotton field group, and group characteristics is extracted by automatic machine parameters instead of traditional manual extraction group characteristics.
On the basis of present researches and existing problems of crop condition monitoring analysis, this paper propose a low-power embedded image process system using low-cost camera module BF3703 image sensor and low power consumption EFM32GG380 micro-controller to track the growth of local area of cotton plants. This embedded system was designed low power consumption from hardware and software aspects, including hardware overall frame design, chip selection, image acquisition and processing module design, the software control flow, low power consumption and optimization of image processing algorithms. The blade lateral branch angle extraction algorithm and the mean leaf chlorophyll content extraction algorithm were designed to calculate the blade lateral branch angle and content of green leaves, completing growth state identification of leaves. Through the analysis of cotton plant overall characteristics, local characteristics and period growth status, realized the cotton growth track and health diagnosis. Data collected by experimental platform can be transmitted to the remote control center by wireless sensor network, achieved the purpose of cotton growth remote monitoring.

Keywords: Machine vision EFM32 Image process Cotton growing Low power consumption

目 錄
摘要 I
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 課題來源及意義 1
1.2 農作物在線監(jiān)測系統(tǒng)的研究現狀 1
1.2.1 在農作物特性獲取和監(jiān)測方面的研究 2
1.2.2 在農作物特征信息方面的研究 4
1.2.3 在農作物病蟲草害方面的研究 5
1.3 課題主要工作及論文結構安排 6
第二章 系統(tǒng)設計及關鍵技術 7
2.1 系統(tǒng)總體方案及思路 7
2.2 系統(tǒng)工作原理 8
2.3 關鍵技術 9
2.3.1 硬軟件低功耗 9
2.3.2 圖像采集與處理 10
第三章 圖像處理核心算法 11
3.1 圖像預處理 11
3.1.1 去除噪聲 11
3.1.2 灰度化 14
3.1.3 二值化 15
3.2 棉花圖像特征提取 16
3.2.1 高度與葉面積 17
3.2.2 葉綠素 18
3.2.3 葉片側枝角度計算 21
第四章 基于棉花長勢在線監(jiān)控的硬件 23
4.1 處理器模塊 24
4.2 電源模塊 26
4.3 圖像采集模塊 27
4.3.1 BF3703 27
4.3.2 圖像緩存電路設計 29
4.4 無線傳輸模塊 30
4.5 實時時鐘芯片 32
4.6 USB接口電路 33
4.7 SD存儲卡 34
第五章 基于棉花長勢在線監(jiān)控的軟件 36
5.1 IAR開發(fā)平臺 36
5.2 嵌入式軟件體流程 37
5.2.1 總流程圖 37
5.2.2 圖像采集子流程圖 38
5.2.3 圖像處理子程序圖 39
5.2.4 數據通信子程序圖 40
第六章 總結與展望 42
6.1 研究工作總結 42
6.2 課題展望 43
致 謝 44
參考文獻 45