


壓力閥的銑削加工組合機床設計,pressure valve combination of milling machine tool design16700字41頁摘 要根據設計任務書的要求,本設計說明書針對壓力閥閥腔頭雙端面銑削組合機床的設計及專用夾具設計進行說明。主要內容包括組合機床工藝方案的制定、組合機床配置型式的選...
分類: 論文>機械工業(yè)論文


此文檔由會員 山村野夫 發(fā)布

Pressure valve combination of milling machine tool design

16700字 41頁

摘 要
關鍵詞:多軸箱 組合機床 專用夾具

According to the requirements of the design plan descriptions of the design specification for pressure valve cavity double face milling head of modular machine tool design and special fixture design.Main content including aggregate machine-tool craft plan formulation, aggregate machine-tool configuration choice, aggregate machine-tool system design as well as headstock design.
The full text mainly includes combines the milling machine the system design and the headstock designs two parts. The engine bed system design mainly is in the designation craft plan and the determination engine bed disposition form, in the structure plan foundation determined "a three charts card", the headstock design basis "a three charts card", reorganizes the compilation to leave the headstock primitive basis chart, the key analysis transmission system, passes through each kind of plan comparison, finally determines the most superior plan. In addition, in order to enhance the labor productivity, reduces the labor intensity, guaranteed the processing quality, must design the unit clamp.
Keyword:headstock aggregate machine-tool special fixture

目 錄
目 錄 4
第一章 緒 論……………………………………………………………………..………………..5
1.1 組合機床的特點………………………………………………………………………..5
1.2 組合機床的分類和組成………………………………………………………………..6
1.3 組合機床的方案選擇…………………………………………………………………6
第二章 組合機床總體描述 7
2.1 組合銑床工藝方案的制定…………………………………………..…………………7
2.2 確定切削力、切削功率…………………………………………..…………………10
2.3 組合機床配置型式的選擇……………………………………………………………11
2.5.1被加工零件工序圖 12
2.5.2 加工示意圖 13
2.5.3 生產率計算卡 17
第三章 組合機床多軸箱設計 18
3.2 運動參數和動力參數的確定…………………………………………………………19
3.2.1 傳動系統傳動比分配 19
3.2.2 計算傳動裝置的運動和設計參數 19
3.2.3齒輪模數的估算及其叫校核 20
3.2.4 軸各參數估算及強度校核 23
第四章 組合機床夾具設計 35
4.1 組合機床夾具概述…………………………………………………………..………35
4.2 定位支承系統概述……………………………………………………………………36
4.2.1定位支承系統 37
4.2.2夾緊機構 38
總結 40
致 謝 41
參考文獻 42