


農發(fā)行福建省分行支持新農村建設問題研究,目 錄摘要.. i abstract ii引 言 11農發(fā)行福建省分行在支持“三農”工作上取得的成效 21.1 落實國家政策并確保糧食安全 21.2 支持糧油購銷業(yè)務 21.3 支持農業(yè)產業(yè)化經營及地方經濟發(fā)展 22農發(fā)行福建省分行面臨的問題 32.1 農發(fā)行福建省分行信貸支農能力...
分類: 論文>管理學論文



原文檔由會員 bshhty 發(fā)布


 目 錄
摘要………………………………………………………………………………………….. I
abstract II
引 言 1
1農發(fā)行福建省分行在支持“三農”工作上取得的成效 2
1.1 落實國家政策并確保糧食安全 2
1.2 支持糧油購銷業(yè)務 2
1.3 支持農業(yè)產業(yè)化經營及地方經濟發(fā)展 2
2農發(fā)行福建省分行面臨的問題 3
2.1 農發(fā)行福建省分行信貸支農能力弱化 3
2.1.1 農發(fā)行福建省分行支農資金供給不足 3
2.1.2 農發(fā)行福建省分行不良貸款比率高 3
2.2 業(yè)務萎縮現象嚴重 3
3農發(fā)行福建省分行存在問題的原因分析 5
3.1 國內市場上信貸支農能力弱的原因 5
3.1.1 市場機制配置金融資源 5
3.1.2 農村資金向城市倒流趨勢明顯 5
3.1.3 農發(fā)行實際職能與應有功能不相吻合 5
3.1.4 貸款缺少保險保障 6
3.1.5 農發(fā)行福建省分行自身融資難 6
3.2 業(yè)務萎縮現象嚴重的原因 6
3.2.1 業(yè)務領域單一 6
3.2.2 業(yè)務素質與管理需求相去甚遠 7
3.2.3 手續(xù)過于復雜 7
4農發(fā)行福建省分行未來支持新農村建設的措施 8
4.1 加強信貸支農力度方面的措施 8
4.1.1 農發(fā)行的職能定位應明確為“建設新農村的銀行” 8
4.1.2 承辦農業(yè)政策性保險業(yè)務 8
4.1.3 拓寬農發(fā)行福建省分行資金來源渠道 8
4.2 解決業(yè)務拓展面窄的措施 9
4.2.1 大力扶持大型龍頭糧棉油購銷企業(yè) 9
4.2.2 擴大農業(yè)政策性金融扶持范圍 10
4.2.3 發(fā)展中間業(yè)務 10
4.2.4 做好客戶營銷工作 11
4.2.5 切實提高辦款效率 11
結 論 12
參考文獻 13
致謝 15

摘 要



This study is the agricultural development bank of China fujian branch for the reform of support to new countryside construction. As the agricultural development bank of China, one of the subordinate subbranch in some respects economy.in view fujian branch has made some achievements. However, China's agricultural gover-mental financial development time is short, policy finance, capital source of backward legislation, which the single channel economy.in view fujian branch are still exist many problems.
Based on the necessity of the reform of the fujian branch economy.in view, demonstrates the analysis in fujian branch economy.in view rural financial system in the important position in the development of rural economy and played the role that cannot be replaced. It firstly system analysis China in fujian branch economy.in view of "agriculture, countryside and farmers" on achievement, then it analyses the problems facing economy.in view fujian branch, finally focuses on the development of fujian branch economy.in view path, make clear the new function orientation namely service faces the "SAN nong" and socialist new rural construction, increasing credit support dynamics, to broaden the financing source and business scope and puts forward the reform and development goals.

Keywords: The new rural construction; Agriculture, rural areas and farmers; Credit support