Creating an Efficient Simulation ModelIn this chapter we describe the general structure of numerical modeling softwareand the different steps towards an efficient simulation model.5.1 General Structure of Numerical Modeling SoftwareNumerical simulation software consists of three main components p..
The Image of the City Structure and identity An environmental image may be analyzed into three components: identity,structure,and meaning.It is useful to abstract these for analysis,if it is remembered that in reality first the identification of an obje..
TCP / IP in Linux implementation1common TCP / IP logic structure;And ISO proposed OSI network layer (layer 7), TCP / IP defines five layer.Function of each layer and the corresponding hardware:Physical layer: defines the transport level and hardware interface standard..Data link layer: correspond..
Introduction to DBMSA database management system (DBMS) is an important type of programming system, used today on the biggest and the smallest computers As for other major forms of system software, such as compilers and operating systems, a well-understood set of principles for database managemen..
Die history1 Die position in industrial productionMold is a high-volume products with the shape tool, is the main process of industrial production equipment. With mold components, with high efficiency, good quality, low cost, saving energy and raw materials and a series of advantages, with the mo..
1. Data Storage ChallengesFor either client application or small-scale server applications, you need to address a number of data storage challenges: Data storage location. If you are building a distributed client application and can afford to store your data on a back-end server and retr..
ntroduction to Civil Engineering Papers Civil Engineering for the development of a key role, first as a material foundation for the civil engineering construction materials, followed by the subsequent development of the design theory and construction technology. Every time a new quality of buildi..
Structural Systems to resist lateral loadsCommonly Used structural SystemsWith loads measured in tens of thousands kips, there is little room in the design of high-rise buildings for excessively complex thoughts. Indeed, the better high-rise buildings carry the universal traits of simplicity of t..
Erinnerung und Erzählprozess in Theodor Storms frühren Novellen (1848-1859) Autor: No-Eun LeeErich Schmidt Verlage GmbH & Co., Berlin 2005S10 EinleitungDas Thema der Erinnerung in Storms Werk ist schon von vielen Forschern untersucht worden, mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten...