
新興煤礦產(chǎn)品成本計量現(xiàn)狀及存在問題 合格作品.doc


新興煤礦產(chǎn)品成本計量現(xiàn)狀及存在問題 合格作品,?aòa??×??ò1úé??á?÷ò?êD3??-??ì???μ??e?¥è·á¢oííêé?£?×÷?a?ù′?D??ü?′μ??oì??óòμ£?ò??-?aê?×·?ó?óòμ?-??D§ò??¢é??áD§ò?oíéúì?D§ò?μ?óD?úí3ò??£?aê?×¢???oì?2ú?·μ???êμ3é±??£...
分類: 論文>經(jīng)濟學(xué)論文


此文檔由會員 白癡學(xué)東西 發(fā)布

?a òa

Along with our country socialist market economy system gradually establish and perfect£?As a basic energy,coal enterprise has begun to pursue the organic unity of enterprise economic benefit£?social benefit and ecological benefit£?Begin to pay attention to the true costs of coal product£?
In domestic and abroad about coal enterprise cost reviewed the present research situation and development£?on the basis of emerging coal mine are systematically studied coal costs constitute£?measurement and accounting issues related to promote emerging coal mine coal cost management practice£?Thorough understanding after found in coal cost constitutes emerging coal mine and metrological on some problems£?Such as cost elements not completely£?cost measurement and calculation method to explore£?According to present situation of emerging coal cost measurement is put forward the theory of coal full costs£?discuss coal mining and the methods of internalization of external costs as the full costs of coal.And in emerging coal mine of measurement using total cost simulate the cost£?reasonably determine the coal resources costs£?improve the mechanism of coal hidden trouble£?measuring real grate of coal security costs£?Coal mining area of full costs for sustainable development£?economic benefits to the sustainable development of mining area various aspects guaranteed£?

Keywords??coal enterprise??cost constitutes??cost measurement????????
???????? coal full costs
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?aòa I
Abstract II

μú£±?? D÷?? 1
1.1 ?D??±3?°ó?òaò? 1
1.1.1 ?D??±3?° 1
1.1.2 ?D??òaò? 2
1.2 1ú?úía?D????×′ 3
1.2.1 1úía?D????×′ 3
1.2.2 1ú?ú?D????×′ 4
1.3 ?D????μ?ó?·?·¨ 5
1.3.1 ?D????μ? 5
1.3.2 ?D??·?·¨ 6
μú2?? xxxx?o?ó2ú?·3é±???á???×′?°′??ú?êìa 6
2.1 ?óòμ3é±???á?ó?o???μ?àí???ù′? 6
2.2 ?óòμ3é±?òa??113éμ???ì??úèY 9
2.3 xxxx?o?ó3é±???á?′??úμ??êìa 11
2.3.1 ?óòμ3é±?o??????è2???è? 11
2.3.2 ?óòμ3é±?ó?·?ó?μ?è·è?2?è??? 12
2.3.3 ?óòμ??DD3é±????μ??á?′??úμ?è±?Y 13
μú3?? íêè?3é±??ˉ?úxxxx?o?óμ?ó|ó? 15
3.1 ?oì??óòμíêè?3é±???á?àí?? 15
3.1.1 íêè?3é±??ˉ?à1????? 15
3.1.2 ó??óòμ??DD2éó?μ?3é±???á??£ê?μ?±è?? 16
3.2 ?÷è·?oì?×ê?′3é±?·?ó?è·è?·??§ 17
3.2.1 D????oì??óòμ3é±????? 17
3.2.2 í?3?3é±?oí·?ó?è?êμ·′ó3 18
3.3 2éó?íêè?3é±??ˉ??á??óòμ?-?o3é±? 18
3.3.1 ?°?ú×ê±??ˉ·?ó??§3? 18
3.3.2 ?ù±?éú2ú3é±???á? 19
3.3.3 °2è?3é±???á? 20
3.3.4 ?·?33é±???á? 21
3.3.5 ·¢?13é±???á? 23
3.3.6 ×@@é±???á? 23

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??D? 27
2??????× 28
