語境對詞義的影響,abstractthe effect of context on the meaning of words as an important notion in linguistic, context has a close relationship with the meaning of words. ...
此文檔由會員 那年三月 發(fā)布
The Effect of Context on the Meaning of Words
As an important notion in linguistic, context has a close relationship with the meaning of words. It is helpful not only in understanding the meaning of words , but also in learning a language with less effort and better results, and especially effective for translating and acquiring new words.
This essay illustrates the important function of context on words meaning, as well as the influence of context on English teaching and translation.
The study shows that only by taking context into consideration can the meaning of words be understood by readers accurately and be used properly in translation and language output. In the process of word learning, new words, context can enable language learners to spend less time and effort on understanding the meaning of words accurately than memorizing mechanically the words in a vocabulary list. In translation, context is essential to producing high-quality works in that it can help translators choose appropriate words which are closer to the original meaning.
Key words: context; meaning of words; translation; English learnin
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