


分類: 論文>通信/電子論文



原文檔由會員 渭水亭榭 發(fā)布

Binary image as an important resource for the images and digital image processing technology , the current demand on the binary image , the article discusses the design of a cost-effective based on the ARM core embedded processor and embedded real-time binarization processing operating system image information
The experimental platform of the system is based on the core of ARM9-based (S3C2440) image processing functions, it have a camera as the target image acquisition channels and add an external LCD touch screen display for the system , these parts get together to constitute the system 's hardware platform . Building the operating system of the host and target machines , and to create a cross compiler chain . Based on the design of this hardware system , an image processing process , the system allows the collected images changing into bitmaps ,and then bitmap changing into grayscale, at last changing into a binary image and storage designed binarization algorithm.
Experimental tests show that the running stability of the entire system , the effect of binarization also match the requirements of the Unicom rate of image information extraction , and relatively simple , high image information extraction system suitable for low power consumption and portability requirements .
Key word:ARM; Embedded system; Elaborazione immagini; Grayscale image; Binarization

目 錄
1 緒論 1
1.1 課題的研究背景與意義 1
1.2 嵌入式平臺介紹 1
1.2.1 專用性強 1
1.2.2 系統(tǒng)內核小 2
1.2.3 高效率地設計 2
1.2.4 系統(tǒng)精簡和高實時性OS 2
1.2.5 嵌入式系統(tǒng)開發(fā)需要開發(fā)工具和環(huán)境 2
1.2.6 嵌入式軟件開發(fā)走向標準化 2
1.2.7 創(chuàng)新性和有效性 2
1.3 圖像處理技術研究背景 3
1.4 國內外嵌入式系統(tǒng)圖像處理二值化技術發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀 3
2 方案原理 5
2.1 系統(tǒng)工作原理 5
2.2 圖像處理技術原理 5
2.2.1 jpeg文件格式簡介 5
2.2.2 bmp圖像格式簡介 5
3 開發(fā)平臺的搭建 9
3.1 硬件平臺 9
3.1.1 系統(tǒng)硬件結構圖 9
3.1.2 S3C2440微處理器介紹 9
3.2.1 超級終端的設置 10
3.2.2 USB下載驅動的安裝 10
3.2.3 建立Linux開發(fā)環(huán)境 10
3.2.4 交叉編譯環(huán)境的搭建 11
3.3 QT的安裝 12
4 系統(tǒng)設計與具體實現(xiàn) 14
4.1 目標圖片的獲取 14
4.2 圖片格式的轉化 14
4.3 圖像二值化算法 16
4.3.1 bmp圖像的讀取 16
4.3.2 bmp圖像的寫入 17
4.3.3 bmp圖像的灰度化 17
4.3.4 閥值的選取算法 17
4.3.5 圖像二值化 19
4.4 系統(tǒng)流程圖 20
4.5 運行測試結果 20
總結 23
致謝 24
參考文獻 25

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