注射成型cadcaecam集成系統--------注塑模具文獻翻譯 外文翻譯.doc
注射成型cadcaecam集成系統--------注塑模具文獻翻譯 外文翻譯,本文描述的是一個cad/cae/cam集成系統。在 cad/cae階段,注塑件的圖紙可與模具零件交互轉換,同時,根據用戶需求,可以進行機械檢驗、運行平衡分析、流動分析及冷卻模擬。在cam階段,能夠生成線切割或銑床刀具路徑的數控磁帶。實踐表明:該系統是模具設計與制造的有用工具。注射成型是當今工業(yè)最重要的聚合物加工方法之一...

此文檔由會員 wanli1988go 發(fā)布
本文描述的是一個CAD/CAE/CAM集成系統。在 CAD/CAE階段,注塑件的圖紙可與模具零件交互轉換,同時,根據用戶需求,可以進行機械檢驗、運行平衡分析、流動分析及冷卻模擬。在CAM階段,能夠生成線切割或銑床刀具路徑的數控磁帶。實踐表明:該系統是模具設計與制造的有用工具。
by Yuan Zhongshuang, Li Dequn, Chen Xing, Ye Xiangao,Gao Xianke and Xiao Jingrong
Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China
An integrated CAD/CAE/CAM system, HSC-1.1, is described in this article. At the CAD/CAE stage the drawings of injection moulded parts can be transformed into the drawings of the mould parts interactively and, according to the user's needs, the mechanical check, runner balance analysis, flow simulation and cooling simulation can be carried out. NC tapes for wire cutting or milling machine tools can be generated at the CAM stage. The practice shows that the system is a useful tool for mould designers and manufacturers.
Injection moulding is one of the most important polymer processing operations in industry today. It is superior for mass production of complex parts to high precision at low cost. For a long time, experience, intuition and trial and error have been key factors in mould designing, mould manufacturing and moulding operation. These approaches have become increasingly inefficient and costly, especially when applied to the moulding of large parts and parts of high precision or to the processing of new kinds of polymers. Now some of these problems are being solved successfully by combining recent advances in CAD, CAE and CAM technology.
In recent years more and more CAD/CAE/CAM systems for injection moulding have been developed and delivered in Western industrialized countries, such as C-MOULD 3.1 of AC Technology Inc. in the USA, CAD-MOULD of IKV in Germany, McKAM-ll of McCill University in Canada, and MoldFlow in Australia. With the help of these software packages the productivity and quality of injection moulded parts can be improved and the start-up time can be shortened.
by Yuan Zhongshuang, Li Dequn, Chen Xing, Ye Xiangao,Gao Xianke and Xiao Jingrong
Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China
An integrated CAD/CAE/CAM system, HSC-1.1, is described in this article. At the CAD/CAE stage the drawings of injection moulded parts can be transformed into the drawings of the mould parts interactively and, according to the user's needs, the mechanical check, runner balance analysis, flow simulation and cooling simulation can be carried out. NC tapes for wire cutting or milling machine tools can be generated at the CAM stage. The practice shows that the system is a useful tool for mould designers and manufacturers.
Injection moulding is one of the most important polymer processing operations in industry today. It is superior for mass production of complex parts to high precision at low cost. For a long time, experience, intuition and trial and error have been key factors in mould designing, mould manufacturing and moulding operation. These approaches have become increasingly inefficient and costly, especially when applied to the moulding of large parts and parts of high precision or to the processing of new kinds of polymers. Now some of these problems are being solved successfully by combining recent advances in CAD, CAE and CAM technology.
In recent years more and more CAD/CAE/CAM systems for injection moulding have been developed and delivered in Western industrialized countries, such as C-MOULD 3.1 of AC Technology Inc. in the USA, CAD-MOULD of IKV in Germany, McKAM-ll of McCill University in Canada, and MoldFlow in Australia. With the help of these software packages the productivity and quality of injection moulded parts can be improved and the start-up time can be shortened.