


分類: 論文>土木工程/建筑論文



原文檔由會員 秋風2013 發(fā)布


關鍵詞 : 畢業(yè)設計 ;辦公建筑設計 ;鋼筋混凝土框架設計 ;建筑安全管理

This graduation design is composed of two chapters: engineering design, thesis-research .
The theme of the engineering design is “A office building of Ju’Long architecture research institute”. In the design, the geographical position, the function and safe performance of the building structure is considered for the architectural design and structural design. In the architectural design, the plane、elevation and section of the building is designed to reflect the characteristic and the function of a commerce-official building. The structure of this building is seven-storey reinforced concrete frame. And it is proceeded the earthquake-resistance structure design. The same time, PKPM software is carried on to assist the structure design and check the structure calculation.
The theme of the thesis-research is “The Problem ﹠ The Development Of The Safety Management System In Our Country”. Based on two significant incidents in construction area recently, we analyze the causes of building safety incidents in China,and propose the countermeasures which can prevent, reduce and contain the accident effectively.
The ultimate achievement of the graduation design includes: the design specifications ( architecture design, structure design, thesis, special English translation ); architecture construction drawing ( level, elevation and section drawing ); structure construction drawing ( foundation drawing, plane structure lay out drawing and so on ).

Keywords : Graduation design Office building design Building safetythe

目 錄
1 建筑設計 1
1.1工程概況 1
1.1.1工程概況 1
1.1.2原始設計資料 1
1.1.3畢業(yè)設計參考資料 1
1.2建筑設計說明 2
1.2.1建筑平面 6
1.2.2建筑立面 7
1.2.3 建筑剖面 7
1.2.4采光、通風設計 7
1.2.5建筑防火設計 8
1.2.6 建筑材料 8
1.3建筑構造作法 8
1.3.1屋面 8
1.3.2樓面 8
1.3.3地面 9
1.3.4內墻面 10
1.3.5外墻面 10
1.3.6踢腳 10
1.3.7散水 10
1.3.8砂漿防潮層 10
2 結構設計 12
2.1設計資料 12
2.1.1工程概況 12
2.1.2氣象資料 12
2.1.3設計依據: 12
2.1.4結構選型 13
2.2結構布置 14
2.3結構構件初估 14
2.3.1現澆板 14
2.3.2梁截面尺寸 15
2.3.3柱截面尺寸 15
2.4框架梁柱線剛度計算 16
2.4.1橫梁線剛度計算 16
2.4.2柱的線剛度計算: 16
2.4.3橫向框架柱側移剛度D值計算 16
2.5荷載計算 18
2.5.1荷載傳遞的基本原理: 18
2.5.2荷載統(tǒng)計 18
2.6荷載統(tǒng)計 21
3.手算內力圖表匯總 24
4.水平荷載計算 36
4.1地震作用計算 36
4.2風荷載計算 42
5.內力計算(PKPM輔助計算) 46
5.1建模及相關信息輸入 46
5.1.1手算荷載、內力與機算荷載、內力比較分析 47
5.2內力組合及截面設計 49
5.2.1梁內力組合及截面設計 49
5.2.2柱內力組合及截面設計 51
5.2.3內力組合及截面設計結果分析 53
6樓梯結構設計 54
6.1樓梯梯段板設計 54
6.2平臺板設計 55
6.3平臺梁設計 56
7.樓板結構設計 57
7.1樓板結構設計方法 57
7.2樓板PKPM輔助結構設計 58
8基礎結構設計 58
8.1基礎梁截面尺寸選取 58
8.2荷載選取 58
8.3基礎截面設計 58
8.4地基承載力及基礎沖切驗算 59
8.5基礎底板配筋計算 60
總 結 62
致 謝 65
參考文獻 66
論文部分 68