


生長(zhǎng)速率對(duì)于多晶硅微結(jié)構(gòu)的影響_外文翻譯,共10頁(yè) 英翻中the effect of the growth rate on the microstructureof multi-crystalline siliconthis paper presents an experimental study of the influence of the growth ...
分類: 論文>外文翻譯



原文檔由會(huì)員 牛奶咖啡 發(fā)布

共10頁(yè) 英翻中
The effect of the growth rate on the microstructureof multi-crystalline silicon
This paper presents an experimental study of the influence of the growth rate on the microstructure ofmulti-crystalline silicon (mc-Si). Crystals with a diameter of 105 mm were grown from an inductivelyheated, well-mixed melt by the conventional vertical Bridgman technique. Axial and vertical samples wereprepared from the crystals to analyze the grain structure as well as the distribution of dislocations and precipitates. The results show that the growth rate influences the microstructure of the crystals mainly atthe beginning of the solidi?cation process. Growth with a low growth rate, for instance, favors theformation of radially elongated grains near the bottom of the crystal and suppresses the heterogeneousnucleation of SiC precipitates at the inner crucible wall. The effect on the grain shape is restricted to thebottom region of the crystals, whereas the precipitates are identi?ed to be the origin of dislocations ordislocation clusters propagating throughout the crystal during growth. As a consequence, the dislocationdensity in a slowly grown crystal is found to be signi?cantly lower than in a fast grown crystal.
