表面氧化物在無鉛軟釬料納米線和納米棒熔化中的影響_外文翻譯,翻譯共15頁 英翻中effect of surface oxide on the melting behavior of lead-free solder nanowires andnanorodslead-free nanosolders have shown promise in nanowire and nano...

原文檔由會員 牛奶咖啡 發(fā)布
翻譯共15頁 英翻中
Effect of surface oxide on the melting behavior of lead-free solder nanowires andnanorods
Lead-free nanosolders have shown promise in nanowire and nanoelectronics assembly. Among variousimportant parameters, melting is the most fundamental property affecting the assembly process. Herewe report that the melting behavior of tin and tin/silver nanowires and nanorods can be signi?cantlyaffected by the surface oxide of nanosolders. By controlling the nanosolder reflow atmosphere using aflux, the surface oxide of the nanowires/nanorods can be effectively removed and complete nanosoldermelting can be achieved. The complete melting of the nanosolders leads to the formation of nanoscale tomicroscale spherical solder balls, followed by Ostwald ripening phenomenon. The contact angle of themicroscale solder balls formed on Si substrate was measured by direct electron microscopic imaging.These results provide new insights into micro- and nanoscale phase transition and liquid droplet coales-cence from nanowires/nanorods to spheroids, and are relevant to nanoscale assembly and smaller ballgrid array formation.
Effect of surface oxide on the melting behavior of lead-free solder nanowires andnanorods
Lead-free nanosolders have shown promise in nanowire and nanoelectronics assembly. Among variousimportant parameters, melting is the most fundamental property affecting the assembly process. Herewe report that the melting behavior of tin and tin/silver nanowires and nanorods can be signi?cantlyaffected by the surface oxide of nanosolders. By controlling the nanosolder reflow atmosphere using aflux, the surface oxide of the nanowires/nanorods can be effectively removed and complete nanosoldermelting can be achieved. The complete melting of the nanosolders leads to the formation of nanoscale tomicroscale spherical solder balls, followed by Ostwald ripening phenomenon. The contact angle of themicroscale solder balls formed on Si substrate was measured by direct electron microscopic imaging.These results provide new insights into micro- and nanoscale phase transition and liquid droplet coales-cence from nanowires/nanorods to spheroids, and are relevant to nanoscale assembly and smaller ballgrid array formation.