


cqm6132主軸前軸承加工工藝及夾具設計,cqm6132主軸前軸承加工工藝及夾具設計1.1萬字 38頁包括任務書,畢業(yè)論文,工序卡,工藝過程卡及5張cad大圖摘要零件的加工工藝編制,在機械加工中占有非常重要的地位,零件工藝編制得合不合理,這直接關系到零件最終能否達到質量要求;夾具的設計也是不可缺少的一部分,它關系到能否提高其加工效率的問題。因此這兩者在機械加工...
分類: 論文>機械工業(yè)論文



原文檔由會員 guai521 發(fā)布

1.1萬字 38頁





Is the components craft establishment, holds the very important status in the machine-finishing, the components craft establishes reasonable, whether do this direct relation components achieve the quality requirement finally; Jig's design is also an essential part, whether does it relate raises its processing efficiency the question. Therefore this both in the machine-finishing profession are the important links.
What design is the CQM6132 main axle front bearing's processing craft as well as jig's design, the CQM6132 lathe main axle front bearing is the glide main axle, sliding bearing's bearing capacity is big, the rotation precision is high, the fluid film has the anti-shock effect, then in processes bearing's time has high processing technological requirement, therefore in establishment processing craft time, must consider bearing's each precision as well as the shape and the location tolerance and so on.
When design processing internal bore conical surface three circular arc fuel tank's unit clamp, to reduce processes each section of circular arcs the processing time interval, uses a turntable and bearing's thread joint fastens the bearing, the basic plane which and the jig body's bottom surface incline the jig body and the turntable contact 1.43° (was equal to that work piece by machined surface 1:20 taper), is achieved through its coordination radial bearing's direction, when processes a fuel tank, then the processing next fuel tank, does not need to load and unload the work piece, like this reduced the bearing fuel tank's processing position error as well as raised the processing efficiency.

Key word: Craft design, cutting specifications, Jig's design ,localization datum, position error.

目 錄
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
前言 1
第1章 零件的分析 1
1.1 零件的作用 1
1.2 零件的工藝分析 1
第2章 工藝規(guī)程的設計 2
2.1 確定毛坯的制造形式 2
2.2 基準的選擇 2
2.2.1 粗基準的選擇 2
2.2.1 精基準的選擇 2
2.3 制定工藝路線 2
2.3.1 機械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯的確定 3
2.3.2 確定切削用量及基本工時 5
第3章 專用夾具的設計 26
3.1 問題的指出 26
3.2 夾具的設計 26
3.2.1 定位基準的選擇 26
3.2.2切削力及夾緊力的計算 26
3.2.3定位誤差的分析 27
3.2.4夾具安裝及操作的簡要說明 28
第4章 結論 29
參考文獻 20
致謝 31

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