文化認同的悲劇,英語專業(yè)優(yōu)秀畢業(yè)論文the tragedy of cultural identificationcontentsabstract.........................Ⅰkey wordsⅠ摘要......Ⅱ關鍵詞..Ⅱintroduction....1i. the rejection of t...

此文檔由會員 xiaowei 發(fā)布
The Tragedy of Cultural Identification
Key Words…………………………………………………………………Ⅰ
I. The Rejection of the Mainstream Culture…..………………………………….....…3
II. The Tragedy of Pecola as the Result of the Identification of the Blacks………......5
A. The Rejection of the Black Community………………………..….………..…..5
B. The Rejection of Her Parents……………………………………………….…..6
The clash between the black culture and the mainstream culture in the United States as well as the marginalized existence of the black culture is always the focus of Afro-American fiction writers. In their works they depict the twisted black culture and the loss of it, and attempt to call for cherishing their native culture. Toni Morrison is, undoubtedly, one of them, and more importantly she goes beyond that and explores the tragedy of identification. Through the depiction of a black little girl in the novel The Bluest Eyes, who crazily searches for a pair of blue eyes, Tony Morrison reveals the devastating influence and hurts of the concept of value of the mainstream culture, specially the standard of the aesthetic appreciation – blue eyes, golden hair, and white skill – on the black people,especially black women and children. In addition, she shows the loss of their cultural/ethic identities, spiritual breakdown and self-denial during the process of the identification. Based on textual analysis of the novel, the thesis aims at exploring the tragedy of Pecola as the result of the identification of the blacks in the mainstream culture, and further reveals that her tragedy is actually the tragedy of the blacks when they fully identify themselves with the mainstream culture.
Key Words
Pecola; identification; tragedy; mainstream culture; clash
[1] Furman, Jan. Toni Morrison’ s Fiction. Columbia S.C: University of South Carolina Press, 1996.
[2] Huggins, Nathani., Martin Kilson and Daniel M. Fox, ed. Key Issues in the Afro-American Experience . HBJ, 1971.
[3] IaGuardia, Dolores and Hans P. Guth. American Voice. California: Mayfield Publishing Company, 1998.
[4] Morrison, Toni. The Bluest Eye. New York: Washington Square Press, 1970.
[5] Rice, Herbert William. Toni Morrison and the American Tradition. New York: Peter Lang, 1996.
[6] 程錫麟,王嘵路. 當代美國小說理論[M]. 北京:外語教學與研究出版社,2001.
[7] 高繼海. 佩科拉的悲劇根源—評托妮莫里森的《最藍的眼睛》[J]. 河南大學學報:社會科學版,2001(3).
[8] 潭瑛 彭穎. 扭曲與否定—談托妮莫里森的《最藍的眼睛》[J]. 理論界,2006(2).
[9] 王守仁,吳新云. 性別 種族 文化:托妮•莫里森與二十世紀美國黑人文學[M]. 北京:北京大學出版社,1999.
[10] 于雷. 論《最藍的眼睛》中的雙重悲劇結構[J]. 南京:南京理工大學學報:社會科學版,2004(3).
The Tragedy of Cultural Identification
Key Words…………………………………………………………………Ⅰ
I. The Rejection of the Mainstream Culture…..………………………………….....…3
II. The Tragedy of Pecola as the Result of the Identification of the Blacks………......5
A. The Rejection of the Black Community………………………..….………..…..5
B. The Rejection of Her Parents……………………………………………….…..6
The clash between the black culture and the mainstream culture in the United States as well as the marginalized existence of the black culture is always the focus of Afro-American fiction writers. In their works they depict the twisted black culture and the loss of it, and attempt to call for cherishing their native culture. Toni Morrison is, undoubtedly, one of them, and more importantly she goes beyond that and explores the tragedy of identification. Through the depiction of a black little girl in the novel The Bluest Eyes, who crazily searches for a pair of blue eyes, Tony Morrison reveals the devastating influence and hurts of the concept of value of the mainstream culture, specially the standard of the aesthetic appreciation – blue eyes, golden hair, and white skill – on the black people,especially black women and children. In addition, she shows the loss of their cultural/ethic identities, spiritual breakdown and self-denial during the process of the identification. Based on textual analysis of the novel, the thesis aims at exploring the tragedy of Pecola as the result of the identification of the blacks in the mainstream culture, and further reveals that her tragedy is actually the tragedy of the blacks when they fully identify themselves with the mainstream culture.
Key Words
Pecola; identification; tragedy; mainstream culture; clash
[1] Furman, Jan. Toni Morrison’ s Fiction. Columbia S.C: University of South Carolina Press, 1996.
[2] Huggins, Nathani., Martin Kilson and Daniel M. Fox, ed. Key Issues in the Afro-American Experience . HBJ, 1971.
[3] IaGuardia, Dolores and Hans P. Guth. American Voice. California: Mayfield Publishing Company, 1998.
[4] Morrison, Toni. The Bluest Eye. New York: Washington Square Press, 1970.
[5] Rice, Herbert William. Toni Morrison and the American Tradition. New York: Peter Lang, 1996.
[6] 程錫麟,王嘵路. 當代美國小說理論[M]. 北京:外語教學與研究出版社,2001.
[7] 高繼海. 佩科拉的悲劇根源—評托妮莫里森的《最藍的眼睛》[J]. 河南大學學報:社會科學版,2001(3).
[8] 潭瑛 彭穎. 扭曲與否定—談托妮莫里森的《最藍的眼睛》[J]. 理論界,2006(2).
[9] 王守仁,吳新云. 性別 種族 文化:托妮•莫里森與二十世紀美國黑人文學[M]. 北京:北京大學出版社,1999.
[10] 于雷. 論《最藍的眼睛》中的雙重悲劇結構[J]. 南京:南京理工大學學報:社會科學版,2004(3).