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關鍵詞:經濟安全 全球化 國際貿易 對外直接投資 國際資本流動

Economic globalization enhances the international connection and accelerates the development of international trade, foreign direct investment and capital flows. On one hand, the closer and closer international economic connection stimulates the development of each nation, which promotes the development of global economy as well. On the other hand, under the overall development of global economy is the unbalance of profit distribution among different countries. Economic globalization gives the developing country a good chance for development and to become more and more industrial. In fact, it has been proved that economic globalization helps to develop the productivity of one country and enriches the developing country. The progress of Asian “four little dragons” and “four little tigers” are just this case.
But, it has to be admitted that economic globalization is also a sharp double-edged sword. It does bring good benefit to global economy and does make it more energetic and stimulating its development. Meanwhile, it also brings the unbalance of economic development and enlarge the distance of the rich and poor, which results in series of destroyable economic events, such as the frequent occurrence of international financial crisis, the unequal trade terms and rules which deteriorates the trade of developing countries and the characteristics of profit-oriented, monopoly and robbery of international enterprises which brings overall destroy to most developing countries. Therefore, on the background of economic globalization, how to ensure the stability of economic development becomes an inevitable problem one country is faced and have to solve. Economic safety of one country is kind of status of stable economic development in the premise of economic independence. The fast development of international enterprise threatens the economic independence seriously. In the meantime, the closer economic connection enlarges this kind of probability, unequal trade rules and terms require higher cost of developing country in terms of economic development.
National economic safety is pure public belongings and must be supplied by government. But the difference compare with other public belongings is that economic security must rely on the market. No market, no economic development. But the “invisible hand” of market can not bring on country into the status of safety. What’s more, it’s just the “invisible hand” which enlarge the fluctuation and raise the fluctuation frequency. And it’s just this hand which brings one country into the status of unsafety. No other than government can unify the interest of nation, government and people, can balance the long-term economic profit and short-term economic profit. The abstract concept of national economic safety is composed of three sub-targets—price, employment and economic aggregate. To realize the safety of these three sub-targets is to realize the safety of national economy. During the progress to realize these sub-targets, support system for economic safety is much needed. The basis of market economic environment is support system. In addition, industrial structure, financial stability, income distribution and social security are also included. In a sealed economic system, only economic stable development is involved.
Economic globalization enhances the economic connection among nations. Therefore, in the background of globalization, national economy security is the stable development of economy in the condition of economic independence. National trade, direct investment and currency capital flow have certain impact on the sub-targets and support system of economy safety in the sealed economic system. On the same time, they also have significant impact on the control of national economy. International trade can improve the trade reliability of one country, both for import and for export, so it influences the economic control and stability of one country negatively, especially of anti-dumping and trade barriers which have become an important tool for developed country to influence the trade development and economic independence of developing country. Being the main carrier of outwards direct investment, the international enterprise has the nature of no national boundary and economic profit which conflict with the economic profit of host country. This born contradiction is destined to have bad impact on host country’s economic independence and stability. Frequent capital flow will transport the inflation worldwide and enlarge the fluctuation of national economy. The worst is the blow of financial crisis, which is fatal to the development both of country and of the world. Usually one country has nothing to do with these big or small impacts and just let it what it should be. Maybe this is the cost to realize the development of economy under the economic globalization.
Under the development of globalization, to realize the economic development, one country has to enforce its economic connection with other countries. But it also brings negative effect to national economy stability and control ability. Therefore, the effect of globalization to one country’s economy is more complicated. In this situation, government needs to exert the function of stimulating the development of economy by globalization and constitute all kinds of policy to ensure its effectiveness. On the other hand, we should also be cautious of the destroyable effect of globalization to economy security and constitute long-term and short-term policy to minimize its destroy degree.

Key Words:Economic Safety Globalization International trade FDI International Capital Flows

第一章 引言 1
第一節(jié) 選題背景和問題的提出 1
第二節(jié) 研究目的和意義 4
第三節(jié) 文獻綜述 5
第四節(jié) 研究方法 11
第五節(jié) 論文結構安排 11
第二章 國家經濟安全概述 13
第一節(jié) 國家經濟安全問題的研究背景 13
2.1.1 歷史背景 13
2.1.2 理論背景 13
第二節(jié) 國家經濟安全的概念 15
2.2.1 國家經濟安全的含義和界定 15
2.2.2 與經濟安全有關的概念的辨析 18
2.2.3 國家經濟安全中的敏感領域 19
第三章 封閉經濟系統(tǒng)的國家經濟安全 23
第一節(jié) 政府與國家經濟安全 23
第二節(jié) 經濟總量增長 29
3.2.1 波動幅度 31
3.2.2 波動頻率 34
3.2.3 平均增長率 35
3.2.4 綜合評述 36
第三節(jié) 充分就業(yè) 37
第四節(jié) 物價穩(wěn)定 41
第五節(jié) 國家經濟安全的支撐體系 43
3.5.1 適當?shù)漠a業(yè)結構 44
3.5.2 金融穩(wěn)定 45
3.5.3 收入分配 47
3.5.4 社會保障 48
第四章 國際貿易與國家經濟安全 51
第一節(jié) 國際貿易與經濟增長 52
4.1.1 出口與經濟增長 53
4.1.2 進口與經濟增長 54
4.1.3 模型檢驗 55
第二節(jié) 國際貿易與產業(yè)發(fā)展 58
第三節(jié) 國際貿易與收入分配 60
4.3.1 國際貿易與國家間的收入差距 60
4.3.2 國際貿易與國內收入分配 62
第四節(jié) 國際貿易與國家經濟控制力 66
4.4.1 貿易依存度與國家經濟控制力 66
4.4.2 非關稅貿易壁壘對我國經濟活動的沖擊 72
第五章 FDI與國家經濟安全 80
第一節(jié) FDI與經濟增長 80
5.1.1 理論和實證研究 80
5.1.2 模型檢驗 82
第二節(jié) FDI與產業(yè)安全 85
5.2.1 FDI與產業(yè)控制安全 86
5.2.2 FDI與產業(yè)結構安全 87
5.2.3 FDI與產業(yè)效率安全 89
5.2.4 FDI與產業(yè)技術安全 90
第三節(jié) FDI與市場結構 92
5.3.1 FDI影響東道國市場結構的決定因素 92
5.3.2 FDI對東道國市場結構的影響 95
第四節(jié) 跨國公司的跨國界屬性及其對國家經濟安全的影響 104
5.4.1. 經濟全球化中的跨國公司利益和國家利益的矛盾 104
5.4.2 矛盾沖突的結果——經濟安全的博弈分析 105
5.4.3 FDI對東道國國家經濟安全的挑戰(zhàn) 107
5.4.4 多邊投資框架的發(fā)展與東道國的經濟安全 109
第六章 國際資本流動與國家經濟安全 115
第一節(jié) 國際資本流動與經濟增長 115
6.1.1 國際資本流動對經濟增長的影響機制 115
6.1.2 國際資本流動促進經濟增長的實證研究結果 116
第二節(jié) 國際資本流動與通貨膨脹 120
6.2.1 全球性通貨膨脹理論概要 120
6.2.2 通貨膨脹的國際傳遞機制 121
6.2.3 通貨膨脹的國際傳遞途徑及其決定因素 123
6.2.4 國際資本流動與通貨膨脹 125
第三節(jié) 國際資本流動與金融危機 126
6.3.1 金融危機概念及其產生原因 126
6.3.2 國際資本流動與金融危機的產生 127
第四節(jié) 國際資本流動與國家經濟調控 131
第七章 結論 135
第一節(jié) 主要結論 135
7.1.1 國家經濟安全的定義 135
7.1.2 國家經濟安全的子目標 135
7.1.3 封閉經濟系統(tǒng)的國家經濟安全 135
7.1.4 開放經濟系統(tǒng)的國家經濟安全 135
第二節(jié) 理論創(chuàng)新之處 136
第三節(jié) 政策建議 137
第四節(jié) 進一步研究的方向 137
參考文獻 139
致謝 148
附錄 國家經濟安全的指標體系 151

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