


論行政自由裁量權的司法監(jiān)督,1.59萬字 23頁包括開題報告,任務書,論文,文獻綜述,課題申報審批表,周進展記錄表,中期檢查表等完整畢業(yè)資料!目錄摘要iiiabstractiv前言1一、行政自由裁量權的一般理論解讀2(一)行政自由裁量權濫用的涵義2(二)行政自由裁量權的失控問題3(三)行政自由裁量權的監(jiān)督方式41.立法上...
分類: 論文>法學論文



原文檔由會員 lyy1314 發(fā)布

1.59萬字 23頁


目 錄
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
前 言 1
一、行政自由裁量權的一般理論解讀 2
(一)行政自由裁量權濫用的涵義 2
(二)行政自由裁量權的失控問題 3
(三)行政自由裁量權的監(jiān)督方式 4
1.立法上的監(jiān)督 4
2.行政內部的監(jiān)督 4
3.司法上的監(jiān)督 5
(四)行政自由裁量權司法監(jiān)督的意義 6
二、行政自由裁量權司法監(jiān)督的的困惑 7
(一)立法上規(guī)定模糊不清 7
(二)司法方面的信任危機和外力干擾 7
三、行政自由裁量權司法監(jiān)督的必要性 9
(一)控權理論變革的必然要求 9
(二)法治思想的必然要求 9
(三)完善國家行政審判權的必然要求 10
四、發(fā)展完善行政自由裁量權司法監(jiān)督的若干構想 11
(一)從立法上完善行政自由裁量權司法監(jiān)督的制度 11
1.豐富行政自由裁量權司法監(jiān)督的法律 11
2.擴大行政自由裁量權司法監(jiān)督的范圍 12
3.明確行政自由裁量權的司法監(jiān)督標準 12
(二)硬化司法、執(zhí)法主體在行政自由裁量權司法監(jiān)督中的核心作用 12
1.提高法官素質,確保司法公正 12
2.排除外力妨礙,確保司法審判獨立 13
3.提高行政人員自身的質量,加強司法裁判的監(jiān)督 14
(三)把握好司法過程中行政自由裁量權司法監(jiān)督的制衡 14
1.司法監(jiān)督的平衡點 14
2.司法監(jiān)督合理性原則的新取向 15
結 語 16
參考文獻 17
致 謝 18

摘 要

關鍵詞:行政自由裁量權 司法監(jiān)督 完善

Judicial Supervision of the Right of Administrative Discretion
In the process of constantly expanding to the free administrative discretion continued strengthening of control the modern administrative law gets development and sound. The characteristics of the modern executive is the rapid expansion of the executive power , since the 20th century, with the development of modern socio-economy and technology, the existence of the discretionary power is the inevitable requirement to improve the administrative efficiency. However, the rule of law and administration by law require that free administrative discretion should be monitored and controlled. From the general theory of the free administrative discretion, this questions including the characteristics of free administrative discretion classification the situation of abuse the mode free administrative discretion’s supervision. In the second and third chapter of the article, the necessity of free administrative discretion’s Judicial supervision with be analyses because of the objective needs of the development, coupled with the argent requirement of resolving the problems which exited in our reality, focusing on in-depth study the needs of theory and practice to improve the Judicial supervision of free administrative discretion.
On the basis of analysis this questions mentioned above, this article will make a more comprehensive study about Judicial supervision of free administrative discretion. Through the reasonable operation of the three areas in legislation, law enforcement and Justice, Advance and build our country’s integrated network of free administrative discretion’s Judicial supervision. Among them, through the number of ideas free administrative discretion’s Judicial supervision, at different levels, elected a different perspective; it is the article’s innovation and standing point to discuss this problems that exist in practice and theory. Today it is an inevitable tread to enhance Judicial supervision of free administrative discretion, and it is of great significance to emphasize the comprehensive and effective system of Judicial supervision.

Keywords:Administrative Discretion;Judicial Supervision;Perfect

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