此文檔由會(huì)員 cglina 發(fā)布
?a òa
μ?×ó?ú??????ê?×?20êà?í80?ê′ú?Doó?ú3???ò?à′£?ò??-?e?¥ó|ó?μ??ú?à???D????3μμ??è??·¢?ˉ?úé?£?óéóú?üóDD§μ???é???3μμ?è?óí?-??D?oí?μμí??·?£?êμ??3μá?μ?èáD?????(drive by wire)£???ó|ó??°?°????à′??1?·o?£μ?óéóúμ?×ó?ú????μ??úDμ?μí3′??ú×?????μ?·???D?òò??£?ê1μ?μ?×ó????μ???è·???????aà§???£±????÷òa????μ?×ó?ú????μ?·???D??????êìa??DD?D???£·???á?μ?×ó?ú????μ??????μí3μ??-àí?¢?á11ò??°?úDμ?μí3?Dμ?·???D?òò???°?÷×?μ?ì?D?£?2a?¨á?μ?×ó?ú????μ?1??ü2?êy?£?¨á¢á?μ?×ó?ú?????????μí3μ?êy?§?£Dí£?2¢?òà?ó?matlab/simulink?¨á¢á?μ?×ó?ú?????????μí3μ?·????£Dí£?ó??ùéè??μ?PID?????÷·?±e??èy????±ê?a?èD?o?(?y?òD?o??¢?×??D?o?oí??D?D?o?)??DDá?·???±è???£?aμ?×ó?ú?????úAMT?úDμ×??ˉ±??ù′??ˉ?μí3é?μ?ó|ó?′ò??á??ù′??£
Since the electronic throttle was developed in the middle of the eighties of the twentieth century£?it has gradually been applied on the advanced engines of the high-grade automobiles. Because the electronic throttle not only performs well on the fuel consumption and exhaust of motors, but also can realize the drive by wire, for example, idle speed control, traction control, cruise control etc, it will be widely be applied in the future. But because of the nonlinearity existed in the mechanical parts of the throttle body, how to control the throttle become a difficult question. This paper is focused on the nonlinearity of the throttle body. The principle and structure of the electronic throttle control system (ETCS) has been analyzed. The nonlinearity characteristics including nonlinear spring, backlash, coulomb and viscous friction in the mechanical part of the throttle body has been studied too. After the analysis of the ETCS, the key parameters of the throttle was measured. The numerical model of the electronic throttle control has been built up. Based on the Matlab/Simulink, the ETCS simulation model has been developed.
Key words£oEngine, Electronic Throttle Control, Simulation
?D???aòa ¢?
1D÷?? 1
1.1 ??ìaòaò? 1
1.2 3μó??ú????μ?·¢?11y3ì?°ààDí 1
1.3 μ?×ó?ú?????????μí3μ?·¢?1??×′ 3
1.4 μ?×ó?ú?????????μí3?á11 4
1.4.1 ?úDμê??ú?????á11?-àí 4
1.4.2 μ?×ó?ú?????á11?¢?-àí 4
1.5 μ?×ó?ú?????????μí3μ???ê?ì?μ? 5
1.5.1 ?é??1¤×÷?£ê? 5
1.5.2 ?ˉ3é?à??????1|?ü 5
1.6 μ?×ó?ú?????D??μ??÷òa?êìa 6
1.6.1 ·???D??êìa 6
1.6.2 ?é??D??êìa 6
2 μ?×ó?ú?????????μí3·??? 7
2.1 μ?×ó?ú?????y?ˉ?£?é 7
2.1.1 ?±á÷μ??′?y?ˉ?£?é·?°? 7
2.1.2 PWM???íμ÷???y?ˉ1|?ê?£?é·?°? 7
2.2 μ?×ó?ú????ì?×@@é?á11?°·???D?òò??·??? 9
2.2.1 ?ú?????y?ˉμ??ú 10
2.2.2 3Y?????ù?ú11?°3Y??·???D? 10
2.2.3 ?ú?????′??μˉ?é?°??·???D? 11
2.2.4 ·???D??|2áá|?°??ì?D? 12
2.3 ?ó?ù줰?????′??D?÷?°?ú?????a?è′??D?÷ 12
2.4 μ?×ó?ú?????μí3?à1?2?êy2a?¨ 13
3 μ?×ó?ú????????·?·¨?D?? 14
3.1 PID???? 14
3.2 ?£oy???? 15
3.3 ·???D????£???? 15
3.3.1 ???£????μ??-àí 15
4 μ?×ó?ú?????μí3êy?§?£Dí 18
4.1 PWM?????y?ˉ?£?éêy?§?£Dí 18
4.2 μ?×ó?ú?????±á÷μ??úμ?êy?§?£Dí 18
4.3 ?ú11?á11?£Dí 19
4.4 ?ú????????′??D?÷êy?§?£Dí 21
5 ?¨á¢μ?×ó?ú?????????μí32¢·??? 23
5.1 μ?×ó?ú?????????μí3·????£Dí 23
5.1.1 PWM???íμ÷???y?ˉ?£?é 23
5.1.2 ?ú?????y?ˉμ??ú?£Dí 24
5.1.3 ?ú?????úDμ2?·??£Dí 24
5.1.4 ?Yê??±ê?è??£Dí 25
5.2 PID?????÷ 25
5.3 ?ú?????μí3·????£Dí 26
5.4 ·????????á1??°·??? 26
5.5 êμ?é?á1? 29
6 ?á?? 31
2??????× 33
?a òa
μ?×ó?ú??????ê?×?20êà?í80?ê′ú?Doó?ú3???ò?à′£?ò??-?e?¥ó|ó?μ??ú?à???D????3μμ??è??·¢?ˉ?úé?£?óéóú?üóDD§μ???é???3μμ?è?óí?-??D?oí?μμí??·?£?êμ??3μá?μ?èáD?????(drive by wire)£???ó|ó??°?°????à′??1?·o?£μ?óéóúμ?×ó?ú????μ??úDμ?μí3′??ú×?????μ?·???D?òò??£?ê1μ?μ?×ó????μ???è·???????aà§???£±????÷òa????μ?×ó?ú????μ?·???D??????êìa??DD?D???£·???á?μ?×ó?ú????μ??????μí3μ??-àí?¢?á11ò??°?úDμ?μí3?Dμ?·???D?òò???°?÷×?μ?ì?D?£?2a?¨á?μ?×ó?ú????μ?1??ü2?êy?£?¨á¢á?μ?×ó?ú?????????μí3μ?êy?§?£Dí£?2¢?òà?ó?matlab/simulink?¨á¢á?μ?×ó?ú?????????μí3μ?·????£Dí£?ó??ùéè??μ?PID?????÷·?±e??èy????±ê?a?èD?o?(?y?òD?o??¢?×??D?o?oí??D?D?o?)??DDá?·???±è???£?aμ?×ó?ú?????úAMT?úDμ×??ˉ±??ù′??ˉ?μí3é?μ?ó|ó?′ò??á??ù′??£
Since the electronic throttle was developed in the middle of the eighties of the twentieth century£?it has gradually been applied on the advanced engines of the high-grade automobiles. Because the electronic throttle not only performs well on the fuel consumption and exhaust of motors, but also can realize the drive by wire, for example, idle speed control, traction control, cruise control etc, it will be widely be applied in the future. But because of the nonlinearity existed in the mechanical parts of the throttle body, how to control the throttle become a difficult question. This paper is focused on the nonlinearity of the throttle body. The principle and structure of the electronic throttle control system (ETCS) has been analyzed. The nonlinearity characteristics including nonlinear spring, backlash, coulomb and viscous friction in the mechanical part of the throttle body has been studied too. After the analysis of the ETCS, the key parameters of the throttle was measured. The numerical model of the electronic throttle control has been built up. Based on the Matlab/Simulink, the ETCS simulation model has been developed.
Key words£oEngine, Electronic Throttle Control, Simulation
?D???aòa ¢?
1D÷?? 1
1.1 ??ìaòaò? 1
1.2 3μó??ú????μ?·¢?11y3ì?°ààDí 1
1.3 μ?×ó?ú?????????μí3μ?·¢?1??×′ 3
1.4 μ?×ó?ú?????????μí3?á11 4
1.4.1 ?úDμê??ú?????á11?-àí 4
1.4.2 μ?×ó?ú?????á11?¢?-àí 4
1.5 μ?×ó?ú?????????μí3μ???ê?ì?μ? 5
1.5.1 ?é??1¤×÷?£ê? 5
1.5.2 ?ˉ3é?à??????1|?ü 5
1.6 μ?×ó?ú?????D??μ??÷òa?êìa 6
1.6.1 ·???D??êìa 6
1.6.2 ?é??D??êìa 6
2 μ?×ó?ú?????????μí3·??? 7
2.1 μ?×ó?ú?????y?ˉ?£?é 7
2.1.1 ?±á÷μ??′?y?ˉ?£?é·?°? 7
2.1.2 PWM???íμ÷???y?ˉ1|?ê?£?é·?°? 7
2.2 μ?×ó?ú????ì?×@@é?á11?°·???D?òò??·??? 9
2.2.1 ?ú?????y?ˉμ??ú 10
2.2.2 3Y?????ù?ú11?°3Y??·???D? 10
2.2.3 ?ú?????′??μˉ?é?°??·???D? 11
2.2.4 ·???D??|2áá|?°??ì?D? 12
2.3 ?ó?ù줰?????′??D?÷?°?ú?????a?è′??D?÷ 12
2.4 μ?×ó?ú?????μí3?à1?2?êy2a?¨ 13
3 μ?×ó?ú????????·?·¨?D?? 14
3.1 PID???? 14
3.2 ?£oy???? 15
3.3 ·???D????£???? 15
3.3.1 ???£????μ??-àí 15
4 μ?×ó?ú?????μí3êy?§?£Dí 18
4.1 PWM?????y?ˉ?£?éêy?§?£Dí 18
4.2 μ?×ó?ú?????±á÷μ??úμ?êy?§?£Dí 18
4.3 ?ú11?á11?£Dí 19
4.4 ?ú????????′??D?÷êy?§?£Dí 21
5 ?¨á¢μ?×ó?ú?????????μí32¢·??? 23
5.1 μ?×ó?ú?????????μí3·????£Dí 23
5.1.1 PWM???íμ÷???y?ˉ?£?é 23
5.1.2 ?ú?????y?ˉμ??ú?£Dí 24
5.1.3 ?ú?????úDμ2?·??£Dí 24
5.1.4 ?Yê??±ê?è??£Dí 25
5.2 PID?????÷ 25
5.3 ?ú?????μí3·????£Dí 26
5.4 ·????????á1??°·??? 26
5.5 êμ?é?á1? 29
6 ?á?? 31
2??????× 33
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