米粉復蒸柜的零部件設計,包括論文,整套cad圖紙,答辯ppt摘要 米粉,也叫米線,米粉是指以大米為原料,經浸泡、蒸煮、壓條等工序制成的條狀、絲狀米制品,而不是詞義上理解的以大米為原料以研磨制成的粉狀物料。它們的生產工藝大同小異,一般為:大米 — 淘洗 — 浸泡 — 磨漿 — 蒸粉 — 壓片(擠絲)—復蒸 — 冷卻 — 干...

原文檔由會員 biyele 發(fā)布米粉復蒸柜的零部件設計
米粉,也叫米線,米粉是指以大米為原料,經浸泡、蒸煮、壓條等工序制成的條狀、絲狀米制品,而不是詞義上理解的以大米為原料以研磨制成的粉狀物料。它們的生產工藝大同小異,一般為:大米 — 淘洗 — 浸泡 — 磨漿 — 蒸粉 — 壓片(擠絲)—復蒸 — 冷卻 — 干燥 — 包裝 — 成品。復蒸柜是利用高溫蒸米粉,提高米粉的α度,降低米粉的吐漿率,且使米粉有油潤感。提高米粉的α度就是高溫蒸米粉使米粉的膠束結構完全崩潰散開,也就是使淀粉糊化。α米粉的味道好,且易于消化,這是因為α-淀粉被水所包圍,膠束完全崩潰散開,在直鏈淀粉和支鏈淀粉各個分子之間形成間隙,消化酶容易發(fā)生作用。 理論上。在100℃時加熱10—30分鐘,使其糊化,但實際上要蒸30分鐘以上才行,有的工廠需蒸一小時。在108℃壓力為0.4kg/cm²下加熱米粉更易糊化,吐漿率低且有油潤感。因此對復蒸柜的保溫和密封有較高的要求,即對柜門的密封結構和壓緊結構均有較高的要求。
關鍵詞 復蒸柜 密封 壓緊結構
The rice noodle duplicate steams the cabinet the spare part design
Abstract: Rice noodle, is also called the rice-flour noodle, the rice noodle is refers to take the rice as raw material, after the immersion, the steam boiling, holds down strip and so on working procedures to make strip, the filiform rice product, but is not in the word meaning understands by the rice the powdery material which grinds for raw material makes. Their technique of production is mostly the same except for minor differences, generally is: The rice - elutriate - immersion - grinding paste - steams the powder - sheeting (to push silk) - duplicate to steam - the cooling - dry - packing - end product. Steaming a chest again is to make use of the high temperature steaming ground rice , improve the ground rice alpha degree, reducing ground rice's spits out thick fluid rates, and lets ground rice have smooth feeling of oil. That the alpha raising ground rice it is the high temperature to steam ground rice degree makes the ground rice micel structure collapse completely dispersing , the messenger amylum paste melts that is . Alpha ground rice flavour is easy to digest at present easily, this is that complete breakdown of micel disperses because of alpha-amylum is surrounded by water, effect happened easy to form the gap , the digestive enzyme between straight chain amylum and each molecules of branched chain amylum.Theoretically. But o'clock heats 10 to 30 minutes , messenger it's paste melts in 100℃, only row , some factories need steaming an hour above needing to steam 30 minutes in fact. The easier to heat ground rice in 108 ℃pressure for 0.4kg/cm²paste is molten , is spits out thick fluid rates low and is has smooth feeling of oil. Have higher call for therefore to heat preservation and hermetic sealing steaming a chest again , be that the structure sealing off structure and compacting has higher call for equally to the chest.
Key words: Duplicate steams the cabinet Seal Compaction structure
目 錄
摘要 1
一.緒論 4
1.1前言 4
1.2復蒸柜原理 5
1.2.1、淀粉的糊化 5
1.2.2、淀粉的回生 7
1.2.3、米粉糊化與回生在復蒸柜生產中的指導作用 8
二.柜門機構 9
2.1 內框 9
2.2 襯板 10
2.3 門板 10
2.4 下平板 10
2.6.柜門的密封結構 11
2.7.柜門總成 12
三.壓緊機構 13
3.1 壓緊機構的選擇 13
3.2 作用點的確定 13
3.3 壓緊機構結構的確定 15
3.3.1 楔桿 15
3.3.2 壓緊支承座 18
3.3.2軸 18
3.3.3 前、后夾板 20
3.3.4套筒 22
四. 手輪 23
五.門支承座 24
參 考 文 獻 27
致謝 28