


分類: 論文>計算機論文


此文檔由會員 s020700640 發(fā)布


Nowadays, with the developing of economy, advanced society and improvement of people, car has entered our country in daily life. But the following problem bad traffic and hard parking, which almost exists in every city, has been an urgently solved problem of Chinese government.
This system will use information collection means to collect the information of parking lots and provide information service for huge car owners with the help of the Internet. This can be adopted by city in unit, but not only a single city. In this way, people can receive the real-time parking information of all parking lots in his local city. People don’t have to park back and forth between the various parking lots, and reduce unnecessarily resource depletion of car on the road and the cost of road space savings. At the same time, this system provide parking corner booking capability for users, users and parking lots owners both can receive two-way interaction. This system intended to provide users with easy and comfortable parking experience.
This paper introduced the analysis design and realization of the online parking corners searching and booking system. This project used the J2EE technology platform as technology background, designed a suite of WebGIS application by the use of geographical map APIs provided by Google Corporation freely. This project used the Struts2, spring and Hibernate framework with the application of MVC pattern setting up the structured, good stability, flexible expandability system architecture. This system achieved the map searching and parking corner booking function based on the Web. Car owners can achieve the real-time parking lots information and book advanced. It can solve the parking problem for huge car owners and it was convenient to users’ travel.
Key words: Online Information Service, WebGIS, J2EE

第1章 緒論 1
1.1 課題背景 1
1.2 研究現狀 1
1.3 研究目的 2
1.4 本文組織結構 2
第2章 相關技術 3
2.1 GIS技術概述 3
2.2 WebGIS技術概述 3
2.3 Google地圖概述 4
2.4 J2EE技術概述 4
2.5 MVC模式概述 5
2.6 Struts2+Spring+Hibernate整合開發(fā)概述 6
2.7 系統開發(fā)環(huán)境與開發(fā)工具 7
2.7.1 開發(fā)環(huán)境 7
2.7.2 開發(fā)工具 7
第3章 系統需求分析 8
3.1 系統整體需求分析 8
3.2 停車位在線查詢功能需求分析 8
3.3 停車位在線預訂功能需求分析 9
3.4 停車位信息共享功能需求分析 9
3.5 用戶的信息管理功能需求分析 9
3.6 管理員管理功能需求分析 9
3.7 用戶注冊功能需求分析 9
3.8 用例圖 10
第4章 系統設計 11
4.1 系統功能模塊設計 11
4.1.1 系統整體功能模塊 11
4.1.2 停車位在線查詢功能模塊設計 11
4.1.3 用戶注冊功能模塊設計 12
4.1.4 用戶信息管理功能模塊設計 13
4.1.5 停車位預訂功能模塊設計 14
4.1.6 停車位信息共享功能模塊設計 14
4.1.7 管理員管理停車場信息功能模塊設計 15
4.2 系統流程 16
4.3 數據庫設計 16
4.3.1 數據庫設計環(huán)境 17
4.3.2 數據庫命名規(guī)則 17
4.3.3 物理設計 17
第5章 系統實現 21
5.1 實現概述 21
5.2 停車位在線查詢功能實現 21
5.2.1 地圖查詢功能實現 21
5.2.2 查詢結果分頁功能實現 23
5.3 用戶注冊功能實現 24
5.4 用戶信息管理功能實現 24
5.5 停車位預訂功能實現 25
5.6 停車位信息共享功能實現 25
5.7 管理員管理停車場信息功能實現 25
5.7.1 停車場信息管理功能實現 25
5.7.2 文件上傳功能實現 25
第6章 系統測試 28
6.1 軟件環(huán)境配置 28
6.1.1 JDK下載安裝并配置 28
6.1.2 Tomcat下載安裝 28
6.1.3 項目部署 29
6.2 系統功能測試 29
6.2.1 地圖查詢功能測試 29
6.2.2 登錄注冊功能測試 32
6.2.3 后臺管理員管理功能測試 35
6.3 測試結果說明 36
開發(fā)總結 37
謝辭 38
參考文獻 39

第1章 緒論
1.1 課題背景