淺析橋式起重機大車啃軌原因及維修改進,摘要:論述橋式起重機大車運行中出現的啃軌現象,分析其原因,并針對性地提出解決措施,且應用于生產實踐中,取得較好的效果。關鍵詞:橋式起重機 軌道 啃軌 分析 改進the analysis and improve about the moving wheels of the engine...
此文檔由會員 lihaiyou 發(fā)布淺析橋式起重機大車啃軌原因及維修改進
關鍵詞:橋式起重機 軌道 啃軌 分析 改進
The analysis and improve about the moving wheels of the engine driver eat the track on the bridge crane
ABSTRACT It is often appearing that the moving wheels of the canes’ engine driver eat the track. In this paper, the author sums up main reasons through observing and measuring and analyzing that. And he put forward and actualizes the corresponding resolvent. The effect is very good.
KEY WORD bridge crane track eat the track analyzing reason repair