
此文檔由會員 快樂改變生活 發(fā)布
The strategy about China's foreign trade enterprise’s development under the current economic situation
Abstract:The Financial crisis caused by Subprime mortgage crisis is spreading from the United States to the rest of the world. In the World financial crisis, the Demand Market is shrinking rapidly, and competition in the international market becomes more intensively, a lot of China's foreign trade enterprises exposed its inferior in the resistance to foreign trade risks, innovation and disadvantages of competitiveness. but I think our country's foreign trade enterprises should not be pessimistic , we should see the difficulties when we face this crisis, but what is more important is that we should give us insight into the financial crisis and seize opportunities for development. If we do it well, the global financial crisis is likely to provide an opportunity to make relatively small loss of China to adjust its economic structure and will most probably creates opportunities for the further "peaceful rise" of China. The further expanding of this article is towards this goal.
Keywords: financial crisis; external trade; independent innovation; structure; domestic demand
1 緒 論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 本文的研究的意義: 2
2 外貿企業(yè)面臨的國際大環(huán)境與一些內外部問題分析 3
2.1當前外貿面臨的國際經濟形勢分析 3
2.1.1經濟危機引起世界經濟下行,外部需求可能進一步減弱 3
2.1.2貿易保護主義威脅增大 5
2.1.3國際市場競爭更加激烈 6
2.1.4金融市場持續(xù)動蕩,匯率風險加大 7
2.2當前形勢下我國外貿企業(yè)面臨的內外部問題分析 7
2.2.1我國企業(yè)面臨的一些企業(yè)外部問題 8原材料漲價使得生產成本上升 8商業(yè)化的金融機構使得中小型外貿企業(yè)融資難 8人民幣升值壓力讓外貿企業(yè)不堪重負 9
2.2.2我國外貿企業(yè)自身存在的一些內部問題 10傳統(tǒng)出口產品附加值低,技術含量不高 10外貿企業(yè)經營管理能力相對落后,制約企業(yè)的發(fā)展 13金融危機中我國外貿企業(yè)風險抵抗能力相對較弱 14
3 金融危機下我國外貿企業(yè)面臨的發(fā)展機遇分析 15
3.1國內市場為外貿企業(yè)轉身提供機遇 15
3.2金融危機影響下電子商務為中小型外貿企業(yè)開啟新機遇 16
3.3金融危機中新興市場的讓外貿企業(yè)存在更多機遇 17
3.4 金融危機是中國品牌崛起千載難逢的機遇 19
3.5 外貿企業(yè)利用國家外貿政策機遇 20
4 面對金融危機政府的經濟政策及外貿企業(yè)的應對危機的策略分析 21
4.1解讀政府的宏觀經濟政策及若干建議 21
4.1.1財政政策 21
4.1.2貨幣政策 22
4.1.3政府應該如何面對貿易保護主義 23
4.1.4擴大內需應注意的地方 24
4.1.5加快產業(yè)結構調整的步伐 25
4.2金融危機下微觀的個體外貿企業(yè)應對策略分析 26
4.2.1面對能源上漲,降低能耗成為首要選擇 26
4.2.2加快自主創(chuàng)新的步伐 27
4.2.3 中小外貿企業(yè)應對“融資難”與“難貸款” 28
4.2.4采取措施,防范或分散出口貨款回收的風險 29
4.2.5 實施出口市場多元化策略,開拓新市場 29
4.2.6金融危機環(huán)境下外貿企業(yè)轉內貿的策略 30
參考文獻 32
The strategy about China's foreign trade enterprise’s development under the current economic situation
Abstract:The Financial crisis caused by Subprime mortgage crisis is spreading from the United States to the rest of the world. In the World financial crisis, the Demand Market is shrinking rapidly, and competition in the international market becomes more intensively, a lot of China's foreign trade enterprises exposed its inferior in the resistance to foreign trade risks, innovation and disadvantages of competitiveness. but I think our country's foreign trade enterprises should not be pessimistic , we should see the difficulties when we face this crisis, but what is more important is that we should give us insight into the financial crisis and seize opportunities for development. If we do it well, the global financial crisis is likely to provide an opportunity to make relatively small loss of China to adjust its economic structure and will most probably creates opportunities for the further "peaceful rise" of China. The further expanding of this article is towards this goal.
Keywords: financial crisis; external trade; independent innovation; structure; domestic demand
1 緒 論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 本文的研究的意義: 2
2 外貿企業(yè)面臨的國際大環(huán)境與一些內外部問題分析 3
2.1當前外貿面臨的國際經濟形勢分析 3
2.1.1經濟危機引起世界經濟下行,外部需求可能進一步減弱 3
2.1.2貿易保護主義威脅增大 5
2.1.3國際市場競爭更加激烈 6
2.1.4金融市場持續(xù)動蕩,匯率風險加大 7
2.2當前形勢下我國外貿企業(yè)面臨的內外部問題分析 7
2.2.1我國企業(yè)面臨的一些企業(yè)外部問題 8原材料漲價使得生產成本上升 8商業(yè)化的金融機構使得中小型外貿企業(yè)融資難 8人民幣升值壓力讓外貿企業(yè)不堪重負 9
2.2.2我國外貿企業(yè)自身存在的一些內部問題 10傳統(tǒng)出口產品附加值低,技術含量不高 10外貿企業(yè)經營管理能力相對落后,制約企業(yè)的發(fā)展 13金融危機中我國外貿企業(yè)風險抵抗能力相對較弱 14
3 金融危機下我國外貿企業(yè)面臨的發(fā)展機遇分析 15
3.1國內市場為外貿企業(yè)轉身提供機遇 15
3.2金融危機影響下電子商務為中小型外貿企業(yè)開啟新機遇 16
3.3金融危機中新興市場的讓外貿企業(yè)存在更多機遇 17
3.4 金融危機是中國品牌崛起千載難逢的機遇 19
3.5 外貿企業(yè)利用國家外貿政策機遇 20
4 面對金融危機政府的經濟政策及外貿企業(yè)的應對危機的策略分析 21
4.1解讀政府的宏觀經濟政策及若干建議 21
4.1.1財政政策 21
4.1.2貨幣政策 22
4.1.3政府應該如何面對貿易保護主義 23
4.1.4擴大內需應注意的地方 24
4.1.5加快產業(yè)結構調整的步伐 25
4.2金融危機下微觀的個體外貿企業(yè)應對策略分析 26
4.2.1面對能源上漲,降低能耗成為首要選擇 26
4.2.2加快自主創(chuàng)新的步伐 27
4.2.3 中小外貿企業(yè)應對“融資難”與“難貸款” 28
4.2.4采取措施,防范或分散出口貨款回收的風險 29
4.2.5 實施出口市場多元化策略,開拓新市場 29
4.2.6金融危機環(huán)境下外貿企業(yè)轉內貿的策略 30
參考文獻 32
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