


企業(yè)職能人員績效考核實例研究畢業(yè)論文, 目錄目錄1摘要2abstract31 緒論41.1 問題的提出、研究的意義及目的41.2 文獻研究綜述41.3 研究思路與研究方法51.4 研究創(chuàng)新點、不足及改進62 企業(yè)職能人員績效考核基礎理論62.1 績效與績效考核的內涵62.1.1 績效的內涵62.1.2 績效考核的內涵62...
分類: 論文>管理學論文


此文檔由會員 試試真假 發(fā)布

目錄 1
摘要 2
1 緒論 4
1.1 問題的提出、研究的意義及目的 4
1.2 文獻研究綜述 4
1.3 研究思路與研究方法 5
1.4 研究創(chuàng)新點、不足及改進 6
2 企業(yè)職能人員績效考核基礎理論 6
2.1 績效與績效考核的內涵 6
2.1.1 績效的內涵 6
2.1.2 績效考核的內涵 6
2.2 企業(yè)職能人員內涵 7
2.3 企業(yè)職能人員績效考核難點 7
3 企業(yè)職能人員績效考核現(xiàn)狀及存在問題-以某公司為實例 8
3.1 某公司概況及組織架構 8
3.1.1 某公司概況 8
3.1.2 某公司組織架構 8
3.2 某公司績效考核體系及實施現(xiàn)狀 9
3.3 某公司職能人員績效考核存在的問題 10
3.3.1 職能人員考核過程流于形式 10
3.3.2 職能人員績效考核結果缺乏反饋和運用 10
3.3.3 職能人員績效考核周期設置不合理 10
3.3.4 職能人員績效考核與部門績效考核銜接不暢 11
3.3.5 職能人員績效考核強制分布造成諸多矛盾 11
4 完善企業(yè)職能人員績效考核措施 11
4.1 提高對職能人員績效考核重視程度 11
4.2 加強對職能人員績效考核結果運用 11
4.3 制定切合實際的職能人員績效考核周期 12
4.4 注重個人績效考核與部門績效考核銜接 12
4.5 靈活地運用職能人員績效考核的強制分布 12
5 結論 13
參考文獻 14
致謝 15
   As a modern human resources management is one of the important tools, performance appraisal has been widely used by more and more enterprises. Over the years, from the staff of pressure to the creation of final benefit, from the system detects to the effective assessment, from correction to improvement, performance appraisal is respected by people. However, how to carry out performance appraisal in the world is a difficult problem. While the work characteristic of function staff is difficult to quantify, any temporary work, need any horizontal and vertical coordination, carrying on the science effective performance appraisal is more difficult. Therefore, the study on this problem is a profound theoretical and practical significance.
   Based on a great deal of literature, the article definitions the connotation and feature of functional staff, taking the 某 company as an example, analyzes the functional staff’s performance appraisal problems, combined with relevant theory, puts forward to perfect the functional staff’s performance appraisal problems of measure and method, for the contribution of the functional staff’s performance appraisal research.
   Key words: functional staff; performance appraisal; research