我國司法量刑公正的倫理困境及出路研究,這是碩士畢業(yè)論文,是司法公正和倫理學相結合的課題研究。有著較為新穎的觀點,得到了導師的認可。配套開題報告下載網(wǎng)址:http:///docs/319074/摘 要 公正是社會追求的最終目的,也是司法的生命所在,而量刑公正則是司法公正的靈魂所在。量刑公正問題無論在國內還是在國外都備受矚目。...

此文檔由會員 水墨丹青 發(fā)布
摘 要
Social justice is the ultimate meaning, is also pursuing judicial life place, and sentencing justice is judicial justice soul. Sentencing fair question whether in China or abroad caught everyone's eye. Rule of law in China of the rapid development of the construction of modern history, correct and appropriate and reasonable sentencing for the implementation of the law, especially the criminal law and legal thought the task, lawmakers reflect, ruling order maintenance, the realization of social justice has important significance.
But, as the world does not exist, like two same leaves each case also has its hair produces uniqueness, plot particularity. The setting for laws, China has always adhered "rather coarse without overcharging" principle, this principle although help ensure most cases law enforcement, but caused our laws principles and excessive curtness of regulations, leaving sentencing range wider, sentencing is larger, from concrete elastic unable to guarantee the unity of sentencing range, sentencing justice resistance but problem exists. This gives social harmony and stability, and the realization of justice buried a greatly hidden trouble. Sentencing justice resistance but also became many scholars, experts, and discusses the public, the discussion topics, topic.
Cause sentencing justice resistance but reason is various, both legal system, also have the reason of itself of the main reasons; sentencing Both the social environment of reason, also have case exists difference and particularity reasons. Whatever the reason, finally all can be attributed to the behavior of reason, after all, the law is to formulate and implement by, reflects the people's thoughts and behaviors; Social environment is composed by people, maintain and influence. All these activities always is inseparable from the people this subject. Therefore, the massive existence of sentencing unfairness, the final reason lies in person, namely the core and essence of the sentencing injustice is ethical reasons - affection, the principle, the law cannot get harmonious unity among the ethical conflicts caused cause.
Should end it, who tied the bell on the ultimate way sentencing injustice of ethics must be dependent on the solution of the problem. Must first from the legal system, the design of ethics from the source guarantee fair - procedural justice; Secondly, promote the sentencing subject to its moral accomplishment and strengthen moral supervision, from essentially guarantee fair - entity justice; Finally, improve social environment, the influence of sentencing justice from external, internal also begin, thus make affection, the relationship between principle, the method of get the correct and effective treatment, so as to ensure the realization of sentencing justice.
KER WORDS: sentencing,sentencing fairness,Sentencing subject,An ethical dilemma,Justice resistance
目 錄
摘 要 I
目 錄 V
引 言 1
第一章 相關概念解析及其研究范圍的界定 7
1.1量刑 7
1.2量刑公正 7
1.2.1公正 7
1.2.2量刑公正 8
1.3倫理困境 9
第二章 當前我國量刑現(xiàn)狀 11
2.1現(xiàn)狀——以交通肇事罪為考察對象的實證研究 11
2.1.1共時性維度考察 11
2.1.2歷時性維度考察 12
2.2當前我國量刑實踐中的突出問題:量刑公正阻卻現(xiàn)象嚴重 13
第三章 當前我國量刑公正阻卻的倫理困境及其原因 15
3.1量刑公正阻卻的倫理困境 15
3.1.1刑罰價值與倫理價值的沖突 15
3.1.2量刑主體價值取向與公眾價值取向的抵牾 19
3.1.3量刑主體的應然道德與實然道德的矛盾 20
3.2造成我國量刑公正阻卻的倫理困境的原因 23
3.2.1倫理方面的原因 23
3.2.2其它方面的原因 25
第四章 當前我國量刑公正阻卻的實質 29
4.1當前我國量刑公正的倫理內容與核心 29
4.1.1量刑公正的倫理內容 29
4.1.2量刑公正的倫理核心 30
4.2當前我國量刑公正阻卻的倫理實質 33
4.2.1情、理的意義 33
4.2.2法與情、理的關系 34
4.2.3法與情、理沖突的原因 35
第五章 走出我國量刑公正阻卻倫理困境的倫理選擇 37
5.1量刑公正實現(xiàn)的制度倫理保證 37
5.1.1法律制度設計的倫理基礎 37
5.1.2法律制度實施的道德要求 38
5.1.3量刑公正實現(xiàn)的主體德性要求 39
5.1.4量刑主體在量刑時應遵循的道德原則 40
5.2對量刑主體的道德輿論監(jiān)督 42
5.3追求情、理、法三者的有效統(tǒng)一 44
結 語 47
參考文獻 49
后 記 51
獨 創(chuàng) 性 聲 明 53
關于論文使用授權的說明 53