淺析票據的善意取得制度,包括開題報告,任務書,論文,文獻綜述等整套完整資料!目錄摘要ⅡabstractⅢ引言 1一、票據善意取得制度的概述 1(一)票據善意取得的概念1(二)票據善意取得的內容2二、票據善意取得的構成要件分析 2(一)二要件說3(二)三要件說3(三)四要件說3(四)五要件說3(五)筆者觀點31.須是從無處...

原文檔由會員 lyy1314 發(fā)布
目 錄
摘 要………………………………………………………Ⅱ
引 言 ………………………………………………………1
一、票據善意取得制度的概述 ……………………………1
(一)票據善意取得的概念 …………………………………1
(二)票據善意取得的內容 …………………………………2
二、票據善意取得的構成要件分析 ………………………2
1.須是從無處分權人手中取得票據 ……………………………………3
2.須依照票據法規(guī)定的轉讓方法取得 ……………………………… 3
3.在票據上要有獨立有效的票據債務存在…………………………… 4
4.受讓人須善意且無重大過失………………………………………… 4
5.須給付對價…………………………………………………………… 4
(一)民法上物的善意取得的概念 ………………………… 5
(二)票據善意取得和民法上物的善意取得的關系 ……… 5
四、票據善意取得在實踐中的應用…………………………… 6
結 論…… ……………… ……………… ……………… 7
參考文獻………………… ………………………………… 8
致 謝………… ……… …………………………………… 9
關鍵詞:票據 善意取得 構成要件
The brief analysis bill good intentions obtain the system
Gaining in good faith system first originated from the principle " protect the hand with the hand " of the graceful law , it is the important system in the ownership system of the property. This system has protected the trade security, favorable to the development of commodity economy,so the negotiable instrument law has drawn lessons from it. The modern countries, every country that make negotiable instrument law, stipulate this system in its own negotiable instrument laws . Gaining negotiable instrument in good faith means people who gain the negotiable instrument,according to the transfer method which the negotiable instrument law had stipulated ,gaining the negotiable instrument from the people who had no right to deal with it in good faith,so had the right of the negotiable instrument. This system has met the need of the circulation of negotiable instrument,ensured the legitimate right of the good faith party,thus give full play to the function of negotiable instrument in market economy.The system of gaining negotiable instrument in good faith refers to the interest balance between the original owner and the good faith gainner,so should stipulate the strict composition ,and use carefully.
Key words: The negotiable instrument ; Gaining in good faith ;
[1] 史尚寬. 物權法論[M]. 北京:中國政法大學出版社,2000.
[2] 趙新華. 票據法[M]. 北京:人民法院出版社,1999.
[3] 姜建初,章烈華. 票據法[M]. 北京:人民法院出版社,1998.
[4] 鄭孟狀. 票據法研究[M]. 北京:北京大學出版社,1999.
[5] 顧功耘. 商法教程[M]. 上海:上海人民出版社,2001.
[6] 王艷梅.論空白票據的善意取得[J]. 浙江省政法管理干部學院學報,2001,1.
[7] 王小能. 中國票據法律制度研究[M]. 北京:北京大學出版社,2001.
目 錄
摘 要………………………………………………………Ⅱ
引 言 ………………………………………………………1
一、票據善意取得制度的概述 ……………………………1
(一)票據善意取得的概念 …………………………………1
(二)票據善意取得的內容 …………………………………2
二、票據善意取得的構成要件分析 ………………………2
1.須是從無處分權人手中取得票據 ……………………………………3
2.須依照票據法規(guī)定的轉讓方法取得 ……………………………… 3
3.在票據上要有獨立有效的票據債務存在…………………………… 4
4.受讓人須善意且無重大過失………………………………………… 4
5.須給付對價…………………………………………………………… 4
(一)民法上物的善意取得的概念 ………………………… 5
(二)票據善意取得和民法上物的善意取得的關系 ……… 5
四、票據善意取得在實踐中的應用…………………………… 6
結 論…… ……………… ……………… ……………… 7
參考文獻………………… ………………………………… 8
致 謝………… ……… …………………………………… 9
關鍵詞:票據 善意取得 構成要件
The brief analysis bill good intentions obtain the system
Gaining in good faith system first originated from the principle " protect the hand with the hand " of the graceful law , it is the important system in the ownership system of the property. This system has protected the trade security, favorable to the development of commodity economy,so the negotiable instrument law has drawn lessons from it. The modern countries, every country that make negotiable instrument law, stipulate this system in its own negotiable instrument laws . Gaining negotiable instrument in good faith means people who gain the negotiable instrument,according to the transfer method which the negotiable instrument law had stipulated ,gaining the negotiable instrument from the people who had no right to deal with it in good faith,so had the right of the negotiable instrument. This system has met the need of the circulation of negotiable instrument,ensured the legitimate right of the good faith party,thus give full play to the function of negotiable instrument in market economy.The system of gaining negotiable instrument in good faith refers to the interest balance between the original owner and the good faith gainner,so should stipulate the strict composition ,and use carefully.
Key words: The negotiable instrument ; Gaining in good faith ;
[1] 史尚寬. 物權法論[M]. 北京:中國政法大學出版社,2000.
[2] 趙新華. 票據法[M]. 北京:人民法院出版社,1999.
[3] 姜建初,章烈華. 票據法[M]. 北京:人民法院出版社,1998.
[4] 鄭孟狀. 票據法研究[M]. 北京:北京大學出版社,1999.
[5] 顧功耘. 商法教程[M]. 上海:上海人民出版社,2001.
[6] 王艷梅.論空白票據的善意取得[J]. 浙江省政法管理干部學院學報,2001,1.
[7] 王小能. 中國票據法律制度研究[M]. 北京:北京大學出版社,2001.