ABSTRACTTThe product design is the plan for the product and its components and subassemblies. To convert the product design into a physical entity, a manufacturing plan is needed. The activity of developing such a plan is called process planning. It is the link between product design and manufact..
Abstract:While industrial design creates modem life and living surroundings for people,it also accelerates the exhaustion of the natural resources and the energy resources.Besides,it has done harm to the ecological balance,and threatened the existence and the sustainable development of huma..
Product design is the principal part and kernel of industrial design. Product design gives uses pleasure. A good design can bring hope and create new lifestyle to human. In spscificity,products are only outcomes of factory such as mechanical and electrical products,costume and so on.In general..
It is commonly said that China needs to ‘catch-up’ with `the west' or the `developed world'. This phrase implies a singular path; there may be short cuts and `late-comer advantages' but the destination一a modern, developed country一is the same. But just when it seems China is within touching di..
Abstract: In the background of relationship marketing, customer segmentation and, in particular, customer segmentation based on the profitability of customer has received increasing attention among both academics and managers. However, there is increasing awareness that the models presented have..
變電站(所)在電源系統(tǒng)的工業(yè)企業(yè)是一個(gè)至關(guān)重要的因素。 他們接收,轉(zhuǎn)換和發(fā)送電能。根據(jù)能源和需求,變電站分為中央配電變電站電壓為110-500kV;主要降壓變電所電壓為110-220/6-10-35kV; 深入口變電站為110-330/6-10Kv;二次變電站的電壓為6-10Kv;車間變電所電壓為6-10/0.38-0.66kV。在主要的降壓變電所,電源能量轉(zhuǎn)化電..
Tall buildings have fascinated mankind from the beginning of civilization, their construction being initially for defense and subsequently for ecclesiastical purposes. The growth in modern tall building construction, however, which began in the 1880s, has been largely for commercial and residenti..