


奧瑟羅悲劇內涵與人物關系性格的分析,摘 要奧瑟羅作為新興資產階級人文主義者的代表,有其理想品格,他滿懷對人的期望和自信,而這種自信過分膨脹,便成了自傲。這種性格缺陷便成了奧瑟羅悲劇的主導因素,莎士比亞借奧瑟羅的悲劇命運,使人們不僅認識到人性中的善惡轉化及惡隨時戰(zhàn)勝善的可能性,而且還認識到反動勢力的虛偽和殘酷及進步力量在發(fā)展初期的幼稚和本身存在的弱點,從而...
分類: 論文>文學/哲學論文


此文檔由會員 白癡學東西 發(fā)布

摘 要
Othello. As the bourgeoisie humanist representatives, has its ideal character, he filled with the expectations and self-confidence, and this self-confidence too expansive, became conceited. This character flaws became the dominant factor, tragedy Othello. Through Othello’s tragic fate, Shakespeare makes people not only recognize the possibility of the convesion of goodness into evil and of evil defeating goodness at any moment in human’s nature, but also realize hypocrisy acruelty of the reactionary force and puerility and weakness of the progressive force•And therefore he advises humankind keep the clear-headed mind, to try to overcome their own weakness, to endeavor to struggle against the reactionary class and the reactive force within their own class, and to strive fortheir happy life•So this great piece owns historical and realtic significance•
Key words: Shakespeare; Othello; tragic significance

目 錄
摘 要 1
Abstract: 1
第一章 緒 論 3
第二章 奧瑟羅悲劇的剖析 4
2.1 奧瑟羅悲劇中的人文主義精神 4
2.2 奧瑟羅悲劇中的歷史根源 5
第三章《奧瑟羅》中的權力關系的分析 8
3.1、福柯的權力關系與權力策略理論 8
3.2、《奧瑟羅》中的主要權力關系分析 8
3.2.1 上下級的權力關系。 8
3.2.2 親情友情的權力關系。 9
3.3、奧瑟羅與苔絲狄旅娜的悲劇原因分析 11
第四章 現代社會對于奧瑟羅的認知 12
4.1、現代批評視野中的《奧瑟羅》 12
4.2從后現代主義身份認同危機的角度解讀 13
致 謝 15
參考文獻 15