


腦部定量核磁共振灌注成像-------外文翻譯,purpose:to eva luatequantitativecerebralbloodflow (qcbf) with traditional time-based measurements or metrics of cerebral perfusion: time to peak (tmax) an...
分類: 論文>外文翻譯


此文檔由會員 wanli1988go 發(fā)布

Purpose: To eva luate quantitative cerebral blood flow (qCBF) with traditional time-based measurements or metrics of cerebral perfusion: time to peak (Tmax) and mean

transit time (MTT) in stroke patients.

Materials and Methods: Nine ischemic stroke patients (four male, five female, 63 6 16 years old) were included in the study which was Health Insurance Portability and

Accountability Act compliant and institutional review board approved. Cerebral perfusion was quantified using the Bookend method. Mean values of qCBF, Tmax, and MTT were determined in regions of interest (ROIs). ROIs were drawn on diffusion weighted images in diffusion positive, critically ischemic (CI), in ipsilateral normal region immediately surrounding the critically ischemic region,the presumed penumbra (PP), and in contralateral diffusion negative control, presumed normal region (PN) of gray and white matter separately (GM and WM).

