


論我國人大代表“代表意識”的培養(yǎng),包括開題報告,任務書,封面,論文,文獻綜述,課題申報審批表,周進展記錄表等全套完整畢業(yè)資料!目 錄摘 要 Ⅲabstract Ⅳ導 言 1一、我國人大代表“代表意識”的內涵及構成要素 2(一)人大代表 “代表意識”的內涵 2(二)人大代表“代表意識”的構成要素 3二、人大代表...
分類: 論文>法學論文



原文檔由會員 8008008 發(fā)布



目        錄
摘  要  ………………………………………………………… Ⅲ
ABSTRACT  ……………………………………………………… Ⅳ
導  言  ………………………………………………………… 1
一、我國人大代表“代表意識”的內涵及構成要素  ……… 2
(一)人大代表 “代表意識”的內涵 ………………………… 2
(二)人大代表“代表意識”的構成要素  …………………… 3
二、人大代表“代表意識”缺失及原因分析  ………………… 4
(一)人大代表職責的法律規(guī)定及要求  ……………………… 4
(二)人大代表“代表意識”缺失的表現  …………………… 6
1.部分代表履職熱情不高   ………………………………………… 6
2.代表參政議政的能力和水平有待進一步提高  ……………………… 7
3.閉會期間代表與選民溝通聯系不夠   ……………………………… 8
4.部分代表接受選民監(jiān)督意識不強     ……………………………… 8
(三)人大代表“代表意識”缺失原因分析 …………………… 9
1.法律制度不夠完善  ……………………………………………… 9
2. 人大代表履職效果未得到有效重視影響代表參政議政熱情 ………… 10
3. 履職成本過高會讓一些代表對履職有所顧忌   …………………… 10
4. 人大代表專職化程度低 ………………………………………… 10
三、增強人大代表“代表意識”的建議 …………………… 11
(一)加強制度建設 …………………………………………… 11
1. 建立完善的監(jiān)督機制 …………………………………………… 11
2. 建立有效的激勵和退出機制……………………………………… 12
3. 建立人大代表專職制度 ………………………………………… 13
(二)人代會會議期間人大代表“代表意識”的培養(yǎng)………… 14
1. 按時參加會議,認真做好會前準備 ……………………………… 14
2. 履行好會議期間各項職責 ……………………………………… 15
(三)人代會閉會期間人大代表“代表意識”的培養(yǎng)  ……… 16
1. 強化學習,提升自身整體素質  ………………………………… 16
2. 認真開展各項活動  …………………………………………… 17
3. 自覺向選民述職  ……………………………………………… 18
結  論 ………………………………………………………… 19
參考文獻 ……………………………………………………… 20
致  謝 ………………………………………………………… 21


摘  要
關鍵詞:人大代表   代表意識    培養(yǎng)


PC deputies in China "on behalf of awareness" training

Our country is the people's democratic dictatorship country, The development of the socialist democratic politics requires to consummate our country’s National People’s Congress system. Deputies at various levels of congress are the middle link to relate the people to be the master of country and manage the national and social affairs. The representative consciousness of deputy to the people’s congress is not only related to people’s congress’s decision-making level and working efficiency, but also has direct influence on the people’s master status of the country. In the real life, some deputies to people’s congress treat the representative duty as a kind of political honor and authority symbol. They don’t earnestly fulfill their responsibility and have extremely thin representative consciousness, thus affect the display of people’s participation in managing country. This article focuses on and analyses the concept of representative consciousness of deputies to people’s congress, as well as offers several proposals to solve the problem. This article is composed of the introduction, the main text and the conclusion. The introduction analyses the reasons of choosing this topic and introduces the present domestic research situation. Which makes the basically preparation for the thesis study. The main text has three parts. The first part demonstrates the connotation and the components of the representative consciousness of deputies to people’s congress. The second part analyses the reasons of lacking the representative consciousness. The last part puts forward the proposals of developing deputy’s representative consciousness. Finally the conclusion simply demonstrates the significance of developing deputy’s representative consciousness.

Keyword :  PC deputies;  On behalf of awareness;  Training;